Chapter 16: Changing

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                            .... Astrid's POV.....

      I shot up in bed, my heart pounding. A terrible night mare of Hiccup dead and my home in flames had left me in a cold sweat. I shivered violently and slowly took in my surroundings. With relief I realized I was home and in my own bed. The fireplace crackled invitingly and I decided I wanted to sleep there instead. As I stood from my bed my vision began swimming and my legs wobbled weakly. I sat back down and tried to breathe.

      Just then Boreal poked his head around my divider and asked to come in. "come on in, but could you bring me some food and water first?" I asked. Boreal scammpered off and soon brought me water and meat with cabbage. I ate every bit and stared longingly at the fire. I was so cold, and it looked so warm. I couldn't hang out in the fireplace right now though... Boreal would freak out. "Toothless told me the fire helps you get better." He told me. "Oh. Well... I can't be in the fire here. Mom and dad would freak out. And also I have no idea if hiccup is safe to stay here." I said. "I can go check on him!" Boreal offered. "OK, but don't let anyone see you in the great hall," I said. Boreal nodded and ran out the door.

     I thought hard for a few moments. If the legends Hiccup told me were true, maybe this could work. How on earth was I supposed to turn invisible though? I crawled over to the fire and put my arms in it. It wasn't much but I already felt a little warmer. My night gown started smoking, so I pulled my arms out and thought some more. I crawled to the little mirror in my room and tried for nearly an hour to command my skin to turn invisible. I heard the door open and jumped trying one last time to turn invisible. I gasped in surprise as a different feeling came over me. The little mirror revealed half a bodiless night gown, floating in front of it. I quickly hid under my bed and waited until the footsteps dissipated. I made my bed look like I was sleeping in it and then headed to the fireplace, to cold to care who saw my floating night gown. I dragged extra wood onto the fire and settled into it,  feeling warm for the first time all day.

---- hours later ----

I dragged myself from the warm fire and put on new clothes, then settled into bed before anyone came home. I felt a little bit of energy for the first time in days, and tried to keep warm under the blankets. I had no idea how long I'd been sleeping in the fire, but my window showed it was dark outside, with the exception of some torches in the watchtowers. I began running through the past few days, taking inventory of what I knew and didn't know. I could heal living things, I could turn invisible, I liked hanging out in fire now. Hiccup Haddock was alive and had two forms- dragon and human. My village still hated dragons, dragons were not who I grew up believing they were. They had feelings, families, needs, and personalities just like us. They communicated on a deep level just like us. What didn't I know? The beserkers may or may not still be here. Would I still be forced to marry Snotlout or dagur? Would hiccup be able to reconcile with his dad and save our village?

I sighed and tried to get some sleep. What to do about what I didn't know would have to wait until tomorrow morning. In the middle of the night I woke up again, freezing cold. I crawled back to the fire and turned invisible after many tries. After putting a lot of fuel on the fire I crawled back in, falling onto deep, needful sleep. I woke later in the morning to an eery calm. I started and took in my surroundings. The house was empty, my fire was smaller but still plenty warm for me. I looked at my hand and realized my invisible cover had dissipated during the night. I decided to go find out what the quiet was about. As I was finishing getting ready for the day, the dull roar of a crowd met my ears.

Oh no. The arena... dragons? This could only mean one thing. Hiccup was in trouble, and Boreal must have been caught spying. I realized he hadn't come back after checking on Hiccup. Or maybe I was in the fireplace sleeping invisibly. I grabbed my axe and walked slowly towards the arena. I had enough energy to move and think now, but running or combat? Forget it. After a painful slow walk I arrived at the arena to see a chilling sight.

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