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Everyone was at the dining table Having their breakfast, except Taehuyng and Mimie.

After like 10 minutes They saw the couple coming downstairs giggling.

"Well you two lovebirds I'm really hungry so move fast." Jimin whined and they chuckled take a sit to eat.

Hyesong was looking at Taehyung acting all lovely with Mimie. In her heart she said 'That's the last day you spend with her honey after your Mine.'

After breakfast Jungkook and Jimin have an appointment for the baby.

They arrive at the hospital.

They got on the elevator. Jungkook pressed number 10 and waited.

"Princess you okay." Jungkook at Jimin playing with her sweater.

"Yeah just a little nervous today. we will know the gender and listen to the baby heartbeat."

"Hey look at me, There's nothing to be nervous about baby, whatever gender she/he is it's gonna be our baby, we gonna love her/him the same."

Jungkook hugged Jimin and kissed her.
They heard a sound ding, they broke the kiss and went out of the elevator to the doctor's office.


"Good morning Mr Jeon , Ms Kim. Glad to see you today. We are going to Check your weight and blood pressure and Check your baby's heart rate.

I will need you to lay down for me. "

Jimin did what she was told.

"Ok I will apply the gel now, it may be a little cold but don't worry."

"Look here, that's the baby and hear the heartbeat.

Jungkook looked at Jimin smiling. "Can you record it for us Doctor and take some pictures also." Jungkook asked the doctor.

"Sure Mr. Jeon.""

"Congratulations you're girlfriend is having a little baby girl."

"Did you hear that princess, our little princess." Jungkook kissed Jimin on the lips smiling at her.

Jimin was happy to hear that she cried and shook her head at Jungkook but kissed him back .

After the check up.

They were in their car now.

"Babe would you like to eat something before going home." Jungkook holds Jimin's hand looking at her eyes.

"Yeah Kookie, can we get some donuts and Banana milkshake please."

"Ok let's go to Starbucks princess."

~MEANWHILE~⛔️(Skip here if you want)

Mimie was working and someone was following her, but she didn't know.

She goes to the storage room her boss sent to go get a file for him.

She entered the storage room but she heard the door close and lock. She opened the light and saw a man standing in front of her.

"Who are you and how do you get in here."

"I'm no one babe, but after I'm done with you you'll remember me for the rest of your life." The man said with a smirk approaching Mimie.

She walked backward and screamed for help.
but the man closed her mouth and ripened her blouse.

He put Mimie on the floor and started to open the button on her pants.

He ripped the pant's off with panties and shoved his dick on Mimi's pussy without any warning.

She screamed in pain but the man didn't care.
He kept rapping her make her bleed on the floor, he slapped her when she don't want to open her legs.

"Slut open your leg for me fuck you fell so good, I've been watching you since the first day you came to work here, How dare you got a boyfriend." "Does he fuck you like a little slut you are."

After like eternity ( 5 rounds) on the poor girl's pussy. She passed out on the floor.

He raped her and beat her.

The man got dressed and went out of the storage room, and thanked Mimie's boss.

"Thank you Choi I, how you big time, she was so good."

"No Problem Kai, next time let me get something."

They laugh and Kai leaves.

An employee entered the storage room and found the blood on the floor with a person laying on it.

She screamed and everyone gathered began gossiping.

They call an Ambulance.
The hospital called Taehyung.

He was in the living room watching football with the rest of the family.

Taehyung got a call and he dropped the phone on the floor and froze on his spot.

"What going on." Jin asks.

"Someone raped Mimie and now she's in the hospital." Taehyung said hurry standing.

"What!" Jin screamed and everyone was shocked including Hyesong, because that was not her plan.

Sorry about that.

Closer than this ~Jikook Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang