Chapter 1

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Your Author Speaking/ hey guys and girls Them and They's, welcome to chapter 1 of my new book {It Takes Three} So before I start this chapter I just wanted to make you all  aware that there is a big age difference between the characters from book 1, 2, and 3 which is this one I'll drop the ages of the main characters for now so there won't be any confusion.

Book 1- Jenna was a new born baby
Half of Book 2- Jenna was a 4 year old
By the end of Book 2- Jenna was 8
Now In Book 3- Jenna is 16 about to be 17

Book 1- Levi wasn't introduced yet
Half of Book 2- Levi was 7
By the end of Book 2- Levi was 11
Now In Book 3- he's 19 about to be 20

Book 1- Ezran didn't exist
Half of Book 2- Ezran was a newborn
By the end of Book 2- Ezran was 4 years old
Now In Book 3- Ezran is 12 about to be 13

I'll drop the ages of the other characters as we progress throughout the story.

Jennas POV:

I was sleeping soundly that was until I heard a loud sound which caused me to fall out of my bed and on to the floor with a loud thump. I groaned in pain just then I heard an all so familiar voice. "Morning sunshine" my brother Levi said I looked up to see him and my Uncle Roy standing over me Levi with a blow horn in his hand, I sighed already knowing what this is. "Hustle Lets Go Let's Go!!" Said uncle Roy I quickly got up and used my vamp speed to quickly get to the bathroom, I did my business quickly and got dressed for the day before vamp speeding all the way downstairs and to the back yard training area where I stood in a soldier stance looking forward.

A few minutes later Uncle Roy came walking out, he stood in front of me with a stop watch in his hand before looking at me. "It took you 4 minutes longer than it did last time your getting slower" he said I broke my stance and sighed very loudly. "What do me getting ready in the morning fast have to do with being an alpha" I asked "Oh it doesn't have anything to do with you becoming an alpha my job is to make sure you know how to use all your abilities not just that strength your so fond of" he said I huffed in annoyance as he began to walk away. "Wait where are you going" I asked "to the car come on don't want you being late to school" he said stopping and turning around. "But I haven't even had breakfast yet" I said "be faster next time and you will" he said back before walking away I rolled my eyes and followed him as I got closer to the front door I noticed Levi standing there eating a bagel with a teasing smile on his face which pissed me off so as soon as I was closer to him I smacked the bagel from his hands, his mouth hung open as he looked at his bagel that is now on the dirty floor.

"Hey my bagel!" he whined I smirked and made my way to the car sliding into the back seats next to Ezran who was on his phone, a few seconds later Levi came out and got into the car as well. "Alright that's everyone" my Aunt Izzy asked from the drivers seat "yup" said Levi "alrighty then" she said before pulling off down the road. on the drive there it was pretty quiet that was until Aunt Izzy decided to spark up a conversation. "So how'd you do on the speed test this morning" asked aunt Izzy "probably horrible like she always do" said Ezran I glared at him before snatching his phone from him and throwing it into the trunk of the car.

"What the heck Jenna!" He said as he scrambled to unbuckle his seatbelt and grab it I smirked satisfied with his reaction.

"Anyways I don't think I did bad I think uncle Roy was just being a maniac like he always is when we're training" I said aunt Izzy chuckled "hey call me what you want" he said "I would but it would be inappropriate" I said just then we pulled up outside the school I got out and so did Levi, Ezran and uncle Roy since he was the principal after all. "Well have a good day all of you" said aunt Izzy I sighed and turned around to walk away leaving everyone behind and making my way inside the building. No one was really here at this time one of the downsides of being the Principles niece is he has to get here before everyone else which means we have to be here before everyone else which sucks.

I walked into the building and went straight to my locker taking off my jacket and hat and placing it inside my locker before shutting it and taking off down the hall to see if the lunch ladies where here early today. I walked to the lunch room, And went up to the counter hearing pots clink together I knew for sure that someone was back there. "Hey excuse me" I said the woman then turned around only for me to see that she was not much older then me probably the same age.

"You look way to young to be the lunch lady" I said

"What?, you were expecting a old woman with a mole and Maybe a bit of chin hair" she asked looking offended

"No no I- I um" I said stuttering a bit I don't know why she was making me so nervous, just then she bursted out laughing which made me look at her confused. "I'm just messing with you relax I'm actually a student here I transferred from down state I'm of the westbound wolves pack the names Maya she explained

"Oh ok" I said "what about you I'd like to put a name to the pretty face in front of me" said Maya "Jenna but my friends call me Jen" I said she smiled "well Jen-" she started to say but I cut her off. "I said my friends call me Jen I don't know you" I said rather rudely "well how about you get to know me" she said looking at me I rolled my eyes at her "Yeah no not interested" I said walking away before she could say another word. Well getting breakfast here was a bust.

A few hours later people started to come in I sighed knowing this day was going to be filled with me being irritated just then Nila my best friend came  running up to me hugging me. "Oh my goddess I've missed you so much" she said I rolled my eyes as she stepped back. "You literally just seen me yesterday" I said "So a girl can't miss her bestie" she said I just shook my head and smiled Nila was part of my pack  the moon stone pack, she started going here when the school first opened so we've known each other for a pretty long time.

As we were talking to two of my other friends  Austin and Beck came walking up. "Hello ladies" said Beck who was also a part of my pack Austin as well.

Ages ;
Austin's - 18
Becks- 17
Nilas- 16

"So guys I was wondering-" said Beck but was cut off by Nila. "We've been over this Becky boo your not allowed to wonder" said Nila which made Austin chuckled, Beck glared at him before punching his arm and turning back towards us. "Anyways as I was saying I was hoping that you guys would maybe be down to go to that lounge around the corner after classes today?" He asked me and Nila both looked at each other then back at him. "Isn't that the place where the human students across the street from us hang out everyday?" Asked Nila "Yes it is, that is exactly why I told him it was a bad idea" Austin said.

"Oh come on we're not allowed anywhere don't you guys get tired of the same old routine school then home, school then home. back and forth it's boring" said Beck.

"Maybe so but the rules keep us safe" said Austin with a shrug. "Ok Look Austin I know you have a boner for rules and might I add it's disturbing...and lame" said Beck which made me and Nila laugh. "What?! I do not have a boner for rules?!" Said Austin as we all laughed at his embarrassed face. After a moment we all stopped laughing, "Ok I'm in" I said Beck gave me a really look and so did Nila and Austin but they're really look had a different meaning.

"You can't be serious" said Nila "I am, I'm tired of training day in and day out we never get to do anything fun because of these dumb ass rules" I said Nila sighed "Fine but if this goes wrong I'm blaming you two" said Nila we all then looked towards Austin waiting for his answer. "Ok but if this goes wrong which I am most certainly sure that it will, I'm with Nila I am definitely blaming you two" said Austin Beck smiled big and hung an arm over his shoulders, "Alright then it's settled after school hangout it is" said Beck before skipping off with Austin, Man you would swear those two were gay the way their always with one another.

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