Chapter 41

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Avery's POV:

Roy, Nate and Aron growled.


I knew how much Nate and Aron hated vampires, Roy on the other hand just hated this vampire. "Talion" I said as him and two other vampires stepped forward. No one said anything when he approached me but you could tell he was not welcomed here by them.

"What is a vampire doing here" growled Nate but Talion ignored him. "I released my granddaughter back into your care thinking that she would surely be safe, so imagine my surprise when I learned that she had been kidnapped" said Talion in a clam but obviously aggressive tone. He was pissed which was understandable we all were, "Granddaughter?!" Said Nate in complete shock.

I glanced over at him and gave him an I'll explain later look and he nodded in understanding.

"Look Talion I know your angry right now....we all are but that doesn't mean we go around placing blame on other's shoulders" I said Talion sighed "Well someone needs to be blamed" said the male vampire on Talions left side. "Excuse me?" I replied as all our attention was now on him, "Titus stop" whispered the female vampire who was on Talions right side.

"I'm just stating facts, for a werewolf pack you all are pretty damn incapable, how could you let one of your own get kidnapped and haven't found her for 3 days?.....Useless" snarled Titus .

"What did you just say?" Said Nate getting in Titus face threateningly. Titus stared at him unfazed and clearly not wanting to back down.

But he made the stupid decisions to piss me off as well with that smart ass comment of his, so if Nate was to punch him in the face right now I most certainly wouldn't stop him. "Talion train your corpse or I'll be the one to put him back into the ground" I said with a growl, Talion put a hand on Titus shoulder as if to say back down.

"Aggressive I like her" said the female gaining my attention "I'm Roselyn by the way but you could just call me Rose if anyone was wondering who the gorgeous lady to the right was" she said flicking her hair behind her shoulder.

"Look you can all have your pissing contest later right now I'd like to find my daughter" I said.

"We have a way to do so" said Talion before snatching off his necklace. "Do anyone have a map of the surrounding areas?" He asked, Gabriel immediately stood up and placed a large map on the middle of the table. "Perfect" said Talion.

Talion bit his hand and let the blood drip onto the map. Most of everyone cringed at the smell of vampire blood that was much stronger then the smell of any other species blood.

We all watched as Talion hovered his necklace over the small puddle of blood and it began to move not even staining the paper as it did so.

Soon the blood stopped and spread all over one small area on the map. "that's where she is I can't get a direct pinpoint on her location but she's definitely in that area" said Talion I nodded it was at least a head start and I was grateful for that.

"Alright then you all know the plan, Roy and Nate pack up we're leaving now , Talion and his crew will be joining us" I informed.

"I think you're forgetting something, how the hell are we going to get past the rows of murderous wolves outside?" Asked Roy.

"Don't worry about them we'll clear a path" said Roselyn with a wink.

"Be safe" said Levi as I pulled on my favorite leather jacket. "I will" I said before grabbing his head and quickly kissing his forehead. "I love you, make sure you tell Ezran I said I love him as well" I said Levi nodded and I left out the back door.

We had to leave through the back woods because there were less wolves there and just like Roselyn promised they cleared a path with ease snapping the wolves neck in a blink of an eye. 

They truly were the vampire lord's children, they move as quickly and swiftly as Talion and they were strong and made me wonder if Jenna would be like. I mean she's already strong she just hasn't unlocked everything she can do yet which honestly made me kind of scared as well.

What if she became something beyond a werewolf or a vampire?...would I have to put her down as the Alpha of all Alphas if she goes crazy?.

I hope that will never happen because that would be the day we all die.....I couldn't kill her I don't have it in me to ever harm her.

Jenna's POV;

It was body temperature had suddenly dropped drastically after that last dose of special serum. I felt weird like something was settling down inside of me, I was tried and hungry I had thrown up everything I had and I felt like I was wasting away.

That vile man had left out again, I wasn't sure where he went when he did I just wanted to get the hell out of this place.

I yanked at my restraints like I always did when he left as an attempt to loosen them a bit but it was no use even though I did manage to loosen them I still couldn't get out. I laid my head back and stared at the pipes running through the ceiling as hot tears ran down the side of my face.

I was alone and I have been for a while, I couldn't even tell how long I've been in this place and I wondered if anyone even realized I was gone.

I wanted to give up but I kept picturing the people I care about in my head. I was truly pathetic my family was in danger and I couldn't even muscle my way out of a few straps, I don't deserve to be alpha....I never did.

I looked up at the black shiny pipes seeing my reflection that's when I spotted my necklace. I had completely forgotten about it the one my grandfather gave me. There was hope if I could just reach it then I can call for help, I yanked hard on the restrains on my wrist and felt a snap.

A piece of it had came off and I had nearly gotten my hand free I yanked on it once more and got my hand free. I looked at my hand happily,

"Finally!" I said about to reach for my necklace but a hand grabbed my wrist roughly. I looked up terrified only to see Vice standing there with a pissed off look. "I step outside for one second and this is what you do little project?" He said terrifyingly calmly.

"LET GO OF ME!" I shouted trying to shake him loose but it was no use, I was pumped full of wolves bane by now so my strength was that of a normal human girls now. "Ella why do you always try and run?" He asked as he strapped my arm back down.

He Had been calling me Ella for a while now even though that wasn't my name. When I did correct him he flipped out and started breaking things so I didn't say anything again.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked tears filling my eyes. He rubbed his fingers through my hair. "I told you Ella.... Because we are supposed to be together" he said before grabbing a medicine bottle of his spacial serum. I shook my head "Now since you have more strength again I can start phase two" he said I looked at the label of the medicine bottle that was much different from the other one. It was blue and called Serum X.

He thumped his newly drawn needle to get the bubbles out before looking down at me. "This one's going to feel different but when it's over I promise you'll be able to transform" he said.

My heart was beating loudly in my chest as he smiled, I braced myself for him to stick me in the arm but to my surprise he pushed my head to the side and plunged the needle in the side of my neck before injecting me with the serum.

Once he did he took a step back, I was trembling and my body felt unnatural. I screamed as my bones felt as if they were beginning to crack.

What did he do to me.


End of chapter:

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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