Chapter 25

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Avery's POV:

"But that's a story for another time in due time I will need your help with that but for now I have to share a secret with you about Jenna that I've withheld from you" he said.

Hearing that he had my full attention especially knowing that it was about my daughter. "What secret?" I asked he looked up at me. "The day I found my daughters body was also the day I found out about the child" he said I looked at him confused "what child?" I asked. "The child that she had been bearing, my grandchild" he said was he saying what I think he is I thought to myself i didn't want to jump to conclusions if he wasn't so I needed him to say it from his own mouth. "I'm still not following" I said he sighed "Jenna is my granddaughter" he said I stood there in shock for almost an hour before speaking.

"How can you be sure" I asked thinking that maybe he's mistaken. "I know my bloodlines scent when I smell it I've fathered many children over the years and spent lifetimes with half of them Tallia was my oldest my first child I'll never forget her scent, she was the product of the first woman I've ever loved" he said "I-wait I thought vampires couldn't reproduce how can this be true" I said trying to find any holes in his story so that I could prove that he was lying. "Male vampires can but only if their partner is human that rule don't apply to me though I'm different as you know and the only way a female vampire is able to is if she is of my direct bloodline and as I'm the vampire lord my powers are beyond anyones understanding sometimes my children inherited them sometimes they don't, some die of old age from being part human others are destined to survive lifetimes like me Tallia was one of the ones like me" he said.

"So the history books were wrong" I said "Very" he replied. I sighed "Ok that explains her vampire and human side what about the other two the witch and werewolf sides" I said he pulled out an envelope from his suit jacket. "I thought you'd ask something like that" he said handing it to me I opened it only to see gruesome pictures of a werewolf that looked half dead and a human like person that I was sure was a witch hooked up to some weird machines one that looked like a stasis chamber, I almost puked at the sight.

I closed the folder and put it back in the envelope before sliding it back to him. "I'm no scientist but I believe the people that took my daughter kept her alive because she was pregnant and used her baby as a Guinea pig for their unthinkable experiment and that's not all, the place where I found her body I also found others like her, humans , werewolf's and witches that had went missing all woman who were pregnant they had done the same with them but failed the result being dead newborns that they had thrown in a room together" he explained I looked at him "if what your saying Is true you wouldn't mind me having my doctors run a DNA test" I said. He shrugged "Of course not what do you need a finger?" He asked so normally and calmly I shook my head rapidly "No no just a swab of spit I'll run your DNA with hers and see how much of a match you both are" I explained he nodded "Of course" he said as I rubbed a hand through my hair in frustration. "If they come back 100% compatible how am I going to tell her the truth she already hates my guts" I said he sighed as he looked at me. "I'll be honest children from my bloodline are quite stubborn and not easy to deal with, which is one of the reasons I respect you so much, taking in children who aren't even related to you by blood just because they needed you that's quite amazing" he said I gave him a small smile as he continued.

"I cannot give you parenting tips, all of my children hate me, Tallia was the only one who loved me which is why it hurt me so much when she left and when she died. but what I can say is that it's not going to be easy" he said I sighed softly "Yes I know" I said just then the door swung open and I turned towards it to see who it is walking in only to see Jenna staggering into the house she looked a bit out of it. "Jenna? sweetie?!" I called out walking towards her slowly her eyes flickering from its normal rainbow color to a dark red. I looked at her confused and worried "what's going on" I asked she stopped and looked at me "Mom I- help" was all she said before falling forwards but I caught her before she could hit the ground.


End of chapter:

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