Chapter 24

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Avery's POV:

"I don't think you should go after her let me" said roy as I put on my shoes. "No I told her mates to not go and I can't let you be the one to go after her this time either, that's the problem for years I let you and my sister play the role I was supposed to do, I didn't know how deep me not being here cut her until now, she wouldn't answer my calls, respond to my letters or messages so I thought it was because she was so happy and busy with her life....I was wrong" I said Roy gave me a sympathetic look before stepping away.

"I knew why you left Avery, I knew it wasn't just to be the alpha of all alphas or to try and finish what your dad started all those years ago, you left for you. And everyone else may believe you made the wrong decision and that it was selfish but I don't, you did the right thing, the best thing". He said I sighed "Your bout the only one who thinks that" I said.

"I'll admit when you first told me you wouldn't be coming back for a long while I was pissed but not for the reason you may think, I just kept thinking great how the hell am I supposed to tell these kids that their only parent won't be home for Christmas and a few of their birthdays" he said instantly making me feel worse than I already did. I hung my head Low ashamed of myself. "But" he added causing me to look up at him. "I found a way me and Izzy both did we found a way to break the bad news to 3 children and managed to still make them smile after it was no easy task but we still did it" he said I listened as he continued. "My point is you being back won't be an easy task but so long as you stay and stick it through you'd be able to say in the end that you still did it" he said making a good point I smiled.

"Your right thank you roy" I said "It's no problem whenever you need sappy advice I'm your guy I mean what are brothers for right" he said. Just then there was a knock at the door my nose immediately picked up a familiar smell and from the looks of it so did Roy's. "Vampire" said roy looking at the front door I stood up. "Not just any vampire it's Talion" I said as I opened the door coming face to face with him he smirked. "The wolf  with the purple eyes, long time no see, are you going to invite me in?" said Talion standing there waiting for me to answer.

"What are you doing here?" I asked "We need to have a chat Miss Moon" he said his facial expression going serious. I needed to go find my daughter so this was definitely bad timing. "I'm sorry I can't right now I have to go-" I started to say but was cut off. "She'll come to you" he said I looked at him and sighed Talion has the ability to read minds it's one of his many abilities but unlike the others it's the only one he keeps a secret from everyone else including his own clan which is why it shocked me when he told me about it a two years ago when we crossed paths.

I looked outside then back at Talion I knew him well enough to know that he's always one step ahead so whatever he says is going to happen most likely would. It was a trait that use to make me think he could see into the future as well until he assured me that he couldn't.

I stepped to the side letting him in I just hope this isn't one of the times he'd be wrong.

He sat at the kitchen counter and I made tea for the both of us Roy had decided to leave us so that we could talk. "For you to travel all this way just to talk it must be something serious" I said sliding him a cup of tea he thanked me and took a sip before looking up at me. "Yes your right it is serious but I fear you will not like to hear what I have to say" he said looking up at me his face even more serious then before.

"Just lay it on me Talion I'm sure whatever it is I can take it" I said reassuring him she pushed his cup of tea up to me that was now empty.

"Good we'll need something stronger then tea" he said making me worried now. Once we both had glasses of scotch he began to fill me in. "17 years ago my daughter died she was age 27 in human years but much older when it came to being an supernatural creature an all, she was caught off guard and attacked and captured by unknown people, at the time we weren't on good terms so I didn't get the news until a month  later from one of my clan members , naturally I rushed to go identify the body for myself following that scent I've known for a lifetime-" he said about to continue till I cut him off because something he said didn't make any sense to me.

"Your an immortal not like the other vampires a wooden stake to the heart couldn't take you out, so I'd assume your offspring would have the same ability's or something close to them how were they able to kill her?" I asked he took a breath before explaining. "She was taking an ancient oil the only one of it's kind stolen from me by a witch I trusted a life time ago it was the only thing powerful enough to suppress my ability's making me vulnerable and weak, which is way I kept it just in case the day came and I was ready to finally die, that same witch gave my daughter  that oil when she sought out her help" he said "but if that oil was meant for you to have a chance to die does that mean she wanted to-" I asked but was cut off "No it was quite the opposite see she fall for a human this was actually what our argument was about I thought that his attentions were to hurt her when she told me he knew what she was I thought that no human could be completely ok with their partner being an creature of the night no matter how many times she tried to show me that he truly loved her I chose to close my eyes and to this day I still don't believe he did the day I learned about her death was also the day I learned of his disappearance" he said before taking a sip out of his glass.

"But that's a story for another time in due time I will need your help with that but for now I have to share a secret with you about Jenna that I've withheld from you" he said.


End of chapter:
Questions for the day: based off of what you now have read why do you think he brought up his daughter before telling Avery the secret about her own?. Are they connected if so how do you think?

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