Chapter 32

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⚠️Warning time skips ahead⚠️

Jenna's POV:

A few weeks later~

A few weeks went by and I learned quite a few things from Talion it was hard at times but he was always patient with me something I was grateful for. I also got to know my so called uncle, aunt and little cousin Citrus better. And they weren't bad company in fact I enjoyed being around them.

A few months later~

As time went by and I learned a lot of new things, not just about myself but about the vampire territory and the people in it. I realized it was no different from a wolfs pack everyone had a job, rank, family, and general knowledge of who was in charge.

I started to surprisingly have fun there and became use to everyone and even started to accept Talion as my grandfather. Then Before I knew it there was only 10 days left for me to stay in the mansion and after those days were up I'd be returning home. With that knowledge My grandfather decided to throw a family gathering inviting all of my uncles and aunts I haven't met yet.

Today I was going to meet all of them. I came downstairs after putting on the suit Roslyn got for me, she originally wanted to put me in a dress but I made it clear to them that I would not wear one. As I walked down the stairs to join. Talion, Roselyn, Titus and Cyrus who were waiting for me at the bottom I noticed unreadable expressions on their faces which made me worried as I finally reached the bottom. "What? Do I like bad why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked. Roselyn shook her head and smiled "Quite the opposite little bee" she said. Little Bee was a ridicules nickname she came up with because a bee flew through my window during my training with her and landed on me. Of course Like any normal person I freaked out obviously I didn't want to be stung but she just causally plucked it off of me and when it stung her she had no reaction what so ever towards it.

After that she teased me for days and started calling me little bee. What's worse is that she doesn't seem to show any signs of letting go of it. "Yes, you look stunning" said Talion. Titus cleared his throat with a grumpy look "I guess you don't look bad" he said. while I've warmed up to him he still hasn't quite fully warmed up to me yet but even so he's shown me on multiple occasions that he doesn't completely hate my presence and often let me join in on his and Cyrus bonding time together. In fact it's mainly because of little Cyrus that I was able to form any type of relationship with Him.

Titus may be soft and caring with Cyrus but he is the only one who gets that type of treatment from Titus who's usually more unsettlingly clam and elegantly rude. He speaks to you in a way that would make you question your ability to think or your intellect in general, Roselyn told me she finds it infuriating but often ignores it. as for me I don't really mind it but I do find it hard to tell when he's insulting me of trying to say something nice.

Just the Roselyn came over to me before warping her arms around me and squeezing me tightly pressing our cheeks together. "You look so adorable, I just want to squeeze you till you pop, gosh my niece is so gorgeous you beauty almost surpasses mine" she said "Um....thanks?" I said as she continued to squeeze me tightly. "Ok ok, your brothers and sister will be here soon" said Tailon, "ugh don't remind me, remember what I told you Little bee stay away from Bianca we wouldn't want you to get corrupted" said Roslyn squishing my face together with her hands.

From what I've gathered so far Roslyn and Bianca are Tailons only two daughters besides my mother but They don't get along, well at least I know Roslyn doesn't really like Bianca but because I've never met Bianca I don't know if she doesn't like Roslyn either.

Later every one arrived the house was soon full people. While everyone talked and greeted grandpa I mostly stayed off in the corner drinking juice while looking at my phone. I seen a picture of maya and Bri that they sent to me a while back with a message that said they missed me every day I found myself staring at this picture. In all honesty I missed them too I don't know why, maybe it's the mate bond making feel this way but everyday I'm not near them is torture. Just then a tall stranger with long jet black hair tied up in a man bun and beyond red eyes that was redder then the color it's self, walked over to greet me.

The way he dressed was formal but sloppy. his tie being untied and loosely hanging from his neck and his white button up shirt all wrinkled and half buttoned at the top. You could tell that he was the carefree type to the point where people would probably even describe him as irresponsible.

"Hey there you're supposed to be our guest of honor but you're hiding off in the corner?" He said I looked him up and down and could easily tell that he was one of Talions sons I mean he looked just like him except with way longer hair, less paler sink and deeper red eyes.

"Do I know you?" I asked coldly. "Ouch, now that's no way to greet your future favorite uncle, here have a drink" he said handing me alcohol. "I'm underaged" I said, he made an O shape with his mouth before shrugging "I won't tell if you won't" he said with a wink.

Yup I was right he's definitely the irresponsible type. "I'm Arlo the seventh child of this funny little vampire family" he said downing his drink then taking one from someone who was walking past. "Jenna Moon" I replied giving him my name as well. "Moon?" he repeated in a thinking tone before taking a breath "Where have I heard that name before" he said to himself before a look of realization appeared on his face. "That's right!, that's the pack that cool Alpha is from what was her name?, Amy?, Ava?" I sighed knowingly, he was talking about my mom. "Avery" I said a smile appeared on Arlos face. "Yes that! Do you know her?" He asked. Was he an idiot or just drunk? "Yes she's my mother" I replied "Wait Mother??, that can't be right then how the hell are you related to us?" He asked genuinely confused. Ok he's definitely just an idiot.

I sighed in annoyance must I really explain this to him. "Arlo leave the poor girl alone I can tell your annoying her already" said another male voice as he walked up to us.

This one was the same height as Arlo, his eyes were light green and he wore a black suit vest with a long sleeve dark blue button down shirt. Unlike Arlo who was lazily dressed this man wore his clothes in a way that was neatly messy so he still looked comfortable and professional. His hair was blond and shoulder length but curly and his eyes were the same exact color as Talions. "She's the daughter of our oldest sister you big dummy" said the man as he stood in front of us.

"Bianca?!" Asked Arlo "No dumbass Talila" said the man before turning to look at me "Forgive him he's a little intelligently impaired" said the man. "Right" I said before giving him a now who are you look, the man cleared his throat "forgive my rudeness I'm Tatum the fifth born child of the vampire lord you know as Talion" he said with a slight bow.

This guy was pretty formal but it was hard to get a reading on his personality. So far we go Titus the uptight and cold one, Roselyn the happy outgoing one, Arlo the irresponsible and slow one and Tatum who was just a big question mark.

I was yet to met the rest but I knew that I would before the night was over. "I'm Jenna moon" I said introducing myself for the second time. "I heard" said Tatum with a charming smile. "You absolutely do take after our dear sister right down to the eyes" he said about to reach out to my face but stopped himself.

Tatum cleared his throat once more before putting on a smile again. "I shall take my leave now forgive me dear niece I do hope we get the chance to meet again" he said "Um yeah..." I replied confused as he then walked away.

What was that all about?.


A list of Talions children 22 total 12 deceased, 10 alive: I'll just name the Main ones tho, the most important.
Talila : Deceased
oldest son Titus
Third born Bianca
Fourth Rohan
Fifth born Tatum
Sixth born Michael and Minus
Seventh born Arlo
Eighth born Oden
Ninth born  Mateo
Youngest Roselyn
A Year later~


End of chapter;

Question for the day: what's Jenna's birth mother name ?

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