Chapter 37

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Mayas POV:

We were in the nurses office with Jenna alone after the nurses treated her and left to take a call. "Are you really not going to tell use why you were fighting with that guy?" Asked Bri as she stood in front of Jenna. Jenna sighed "Could you just let it go" said Jenna, "Your our mate and you just got hurt we can't just let it go" said Bri. Just then the bell rang signaling it was time for the next class.

"I'm leaving I got to get to class" said Jenna before getting up and Leaving. She's always like this when she's mad. "I hate when she gets like this" said Bri as if she read my mind "So do I" I replied Bri then suddenly started to stare at me I looked at her oddly "What is there something on my face?" I asked "More like on your neck" said Bri as she moved my hair to the side "When did you get a tattoo?" Asked Bri I looked at her oddly "tattoo?" I repeated before going over to the mirror and looking at it. I was surprised to see a black star on my neck as if it had been done with ink but when I rubbed my finger on it, it didn't come off. That's when I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday and realized that this mark had to come from Jenna marking me. I looked over at Bri before grabbing her shirt and pushing her hair to the side. "I hope you're not trying to get fresh with me" said Bri I rolled my eyes "Shut up" I said as I examined her neck and just as I suspected she had the same mark.

"I had no idea that marking actually leaves a mark I thought it would just be a bite mark that disappeared" I said Bri turned to look at me confused "Marking what the hell are you talking about?" She said. Oh yeah that's right she had no idea what was happening when Jenna bit her. "Jenna marked us both yesterday, don't you feel that your heating period is gone?" I asked Bri gave me a look of realization "Your right, it happened so quick that I didn't even notice I just thought it was a weird kink of hers or something" said Bri "A weird kink? Really" I said shaking my head Bri shrugged.

She then walked over to the mirror and looked at the mark on her neck with a sad expression. "I didn't want her to mark me" said Bri I looked at her shocked "Your didn't?" I asked "I mean I did but I didn't, not like that anyways, she probably only did it because she felt bad about our heating period not because she actually wanted us" said Bri. She was right I didn't think about that I was just so happy that she claimed me. "What even are we to her besides her mates?" Asked Bri as she turned around from looking in the mirror. "I- I don't know" I replied with a sigh.

Bri what pack are you from? I asked since we both had the same heating period it would mean that her pack wasn't that different from mine. "None my mother and father were rogue wolfs who were kicked out of their pack before I was born, I was raised on the road, they died when I was 13 and I started living on my own from there" she said. wow I had no idea that happened to her, "What about you" asked Bri quickly changing the subject I guess she didn't want to talk about it any further. "I'm from a pack in the country side, the wind rider pack" I said "That far out?!, then what are you doing here" she asked. "Would you believe if I said I felt a pull?" I asked. "You traveled all the way here because you felt a pull?, what about your family?" Asked Bri "Yeah They don't care about me at all, my father is the alpha of that pack and when I got the title omega he practically disowned me" I said with a shrug. My father is obsessed with having a child who is born an alpha but he's never had any luck because after I was born he was told that he couldn't have kids anymore.

"That sucks" said Bri I shrugged "it was 2 years ago and I was 15" I said Bri sighed "I guess not all families are as perfect as Jenna's, this pack loves her and she has family every where we look" said Bri "True and I wouldn't mind being apart of that family" I said "Neither would I, I mean we're apart of the pack so that's a step in the right direction" said Bri. Just then the bell rung again this time signaling that we were late for class.

Both Bri and I looked at each with a look of realization before running off down the hallway.

Jenna's POV:

I was walking back home after school alone, Maya and Bri wanted me to wait for them so that they could walk with me but I wasn't in the mood to be around anyone right now. As I was walking I got this strange feeling like someone was following me but when I turned around no one was there, must be my imagination I thought before turning back around only to be hit hard over the head by a bat.

I fell to the ground and right before I passed out I saw a man he Crouched down in front of me holding the baseball bat with my blood on it close to him.

"I finally found you!, my little project" said the man before moving a strand of hair out of my face. I passed out right after that.

When I came to I had a really bad headache I looked around to see that I was in some type of basement or something, I wasn't really sure but it was a dripping sound like water and and it smelt bad. Where am?, I tried to move but couldn't that's when I realized that I was strapped to a surgery table. I immediately started to freak out pulling at the restraints but I couldn't break them for some reason. These are simple straps, with my strength I should be able to break them, why can't I break them?, just then I heard whistling and foot steps I looked up to see a man standing at a desk, there was medicine and Science equipment everywhere some look old and run down and some looked new.

"Who are you" I asked the man turned around he was wearing a dirty white doctor coat and had goggles on his head. "Oh your awake!" he said with a smile. "You don't remember me?, ah I guess you can wouldn't you were but a tiny baby after all" he said drawing up something with an injection needle. I watched the man fearfully as he walked over to me with the newly drawn needle. "You are a very hard thing to get hands on, I sent my guy but you knocked them out and captured them I gotta say I didn't expect that" he said as she opened an alcohol pack and began wiping an area on my arm.

So it was him those man who injected me with something a year ago after trying to kidnap me it was him who sent them. "It was you" I said "Yes yes" he said in a low creepy tone, "Who are you" I asked again he looked down at me "who am I?, I'm doctor vice" he said.

"I'm Your creator"


End of chapter:

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