Chapter 23

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Jennas POV:

I was running through the woods I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get away. I felt as if I'd loss control at any minute. I wanted hit something or hurt something bad. I stopped in the middle of the woods. "I HATE HER!, I HATE HER!!, I Hate Her...." I yelled out. Just then I felt a sharp pain in my mouth causing me to drop to the ground it felt as if something was pushing through fast. I looked at my hand  as blood dripped from my mouth onto my hands. I sat there for what felt like hours in pain until it suddenly stopped.

I was breathing heavily as i reached up and touched inside my mouth. Are these extra teeth?! I thought to myself as I felt two razor sharp teeth in the front of my mouth. I stood up and looked around just then there was a cracking noise causing me to turn around only to see a bunny standing there chewing grass. The longer I watched it the more differently it looked. The thing that confused me was that the bunny wasn't white it was all red it was like I was seeing the inside of the bunny, hearing a what sounded like a liquid streaming through its body it was. Am I hearing it's blood I thought to myself as I got closer the smell getting stronger I looked down and noticed the bunny was injured.

My mouth watered at the sight I reached out about to grab it when I heard a voice causing the bunny to run. "Ah the bunny phase, word of advice they taste rather bitter" said a male voice Causing me to turn around and look up only to see A tall man standing there he had jet black hair that was pulled into a perfect bun to the back he wore a suit that looked as if it had been ironed a hundred times his eyes were red he looked to be in his 40s but you could tell that he was a vampire. He took one step and I immediately got on guard. "This is wolf Territory who are you and why are you here" I asked but he didn't answer he took another step and I balled up my fist ready and willing to attack at any moment.

"Take another step and I'll rip your eyes out and Sew them to the back of your head" I said the man chuckled. "You could try but I gotta warn you I'm a little hard to kill" he said "we'll see about that now won't we" I said and he smirked. "Your feisty" said the man "Feisty is what you call a small and weak person I'm anything but small and weak" I said he looked as if he was amused by my words which pissed me off even more. "I'm not here to pick a fight my names Talion and I came to request an audience with your mother/alpha" he said I looked at him shocked how did he know the Alpha was my mother?!. "You smell like her and Your short temper gave it away the threat to rip my eyes out I heard it before not from the alpha but from her Luna who was much more short tempered then you, sorry for your loss by the way it never gets easy losing someone you care about" he said I stood there in shocked did I ask that question loud? I thought to myself as I looked up at the man.

"If that true then why are you creeping around in the woods?" I questioned still suspicious of his true attentions. "Like I told you before I can sense when there's someone possibly stronger then me around and the fact that the power radiation off of you was so familiar caused me to come check it out" he said but I wondered for it to be familiar to him we would've had to had met before, the thing is I've never seen this man a day in my life.

"How can my power be familiar to you we've never met before" I said. "Oh but we have you were just to young to remember, however I'm surprised you don't feel that I'm familiar to you as well even though I didn't come in contact with you I pushed my power through your nursery to let my presence known to you as well" he said "my nursery?" I repeatedly "Yes back then your mother was pretty wary of me and wouldn't allow me near you so that was my only opinion and truthfully I don't blame her. had I had came in contact with you I could've done something like plant who I am inside your brain make it seem to you as if you've known me your whole life which would've made it easier for future attacks" he said with a shrug as if his words were normal. "But I have to problem with the werewolf's and don't plan on ruining the alliance I have with your mother any time soon so don't worry" he said dusting off his shoulder before looking at me awaiting my response.

"Right because vampires care about that sort of thing" I said sarcastically. "I don't you tell me your are one of us after all" said Talion I shook my head "half I'm a werewolf at heart" I said. "Oh darling if that were true then why is your  vampire side coming in first" he said which made my eye widen with realization I looked down at my hands in which were still covered with blood from my mouth before looking back up only to see that Talion had disappeared.

I looked around but there was no sign of him I sighed. "Maybe I just imagined it" I said sitting down on the ground up against a tree.

Was he right was I really more vampire then wolf?


End of chapter: Talion the vampire lord has made his return.

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