Chapter 12

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Jennas POV:

I HAVE TWO MATES!? I scream in my head. Everyone was just as surprised as I was so surprised that the mutters that were once in whispers were so much louder. I turned and looked at everyone's shocked faces hearing some of their comments both rude and not rude. "Two mates what she can't possibly have two mates" one person said. "How is this possible" said another. "Honestly I'm not really surprised I mean she's always been a freak" said some others I stopped listening then feeling myself getting pissed off. Just then my big cousin Riley and the temporary Alpha of our pack step in.

"Alright alright quiet everyone" shouted Riley as everyone then went silent. "I know this is an unusual situation" she said "Unusual ?! This has never happened in the history of wolves" said one guy. "Does this mean our pack will have 3 Lunas instead of just two" asked another person. "She can't have two mates she has to reject one" said some other guy as others around him agreed. "Quiet everyone" said my uncle Roy everyone went silent once again. "Like I said this is an unusual situation and I'll have to find how best to handle it once the ceremony is over and our visitors had gone home" said Riley before walking away soon as she did the packs started muttering loudly again. "She's already a Mutt and now she has two mates" said one guy "I know right like could she get any weirder" a woman said agreeing. I was embarrassed and ashamed even so I didn't want to cry in front of everyone so while Brianna and Maya were distracted I slipped away.

I ended up going to the water fall sitting on the ground underneath a large tree as I looked at the night sky. "I was already a freak why? why did you have to go and make me even more of a weirdo" I said out loud as I hugged my knees. "I wish my mom was here" I whispered to myself as tears ran down my cheeks.

Mayas POV:

Hearing the other packs around us describe Jenna as a weirdo or a Mutt was honestly pissing me off and it wasn't just the visiting packs calling her names but some from her own as well. I looked over at the girl next to me Jennas other mate and could tell she was getting just as pissed off as I was hearing them talk about Jenna as if she wasn't even there. Worried about my mate I looked over to see if she was ok but she was no longer between me and the girl anymore we both looked at each other with worried looks on our face. "You see where she went?" The girl asked me "No she was just right here" I replied. Concerned we both ran off to go look for her, we walked out front and looked around calling her name but got no answer getting more worried back the second I noticed some footsteps leading to the woods. "Here look footsteps we should follow them I think their Jennas" I said the girl nodded and we walked together following the footsteps into the woods.

As we were walking I realized that we didn't know each other's names so I decided to tell her mine. "I'm Maya by the way" I said she looked at me "Brianna but you can call me Bri" she said with the most beautiful smile. "So I know this whole situation is weird you know being mated to the same person in all" I said she shrugged "Eh for some reason I'm not really that weirded out just really curious" she said which surprised. "Not even the slightest bit?" I asked "Nope why are you?" She asked me "Not really sure how I feel about this I guess I'm kind of interested in seeing how this plays out and maybe a little scared to see how it plays out" I explained. She sighed "So how do you know Jenna" she asked "We met in the lunch room at school I came really early on my first day and saw the lunch lady struggling with some things so decided to help her then a girl arrived just as early with the most Extraordinary and Remarkable colored eyes I have ever seen she's gorgeous so of course I flirted with her but she shot me down pretty bad" I said with a shrug Bri chuckled "how about you how do you know her" I asked "I was assigned to her as her tutor we had a bit of an agreement I'd help her hide the fact that she had a tutor from her aunt and uncle and in Exchange she'll answer all my questions about her, much like you her eyes caught my attention, at first I thought i was just interested in her because of my Curiosity but when I'm around her it's like I suddenly forget to breathe" she said man me and her had more in common then I thought. Just then someone sniffling could be heard along with the sound of constant running water. We stopped walking see that the footsteps had stopped just through some trees.

"This way" I said as I walked through the tree and large bushes only to come to a waterfall I looked at the water amazed "is that water glowing" asked Bri. "Yeah I think so" I said. I looked around in search of Jenna only to see her sitting under a tree with her knees up to her chest. Me and Bri both rushed over "Jenna" I called out she looked up from the huddle she was in immediately wiping her eyes and standing up when she seen us.

"Were you following Me?!" She asked angry her voice a little raspy from crying. I looked at her sympathetically "Were you crying" I asked she clutched her fist "No I wasn't now leave me alone both of you and stop following me" she said pushing past us and stomping off we went after her of course completely ignoring her words. We ended up following her all the way to her house which I'm sure was the main pack house because of how big it was I looked ahead seeing two boys and a girl sitting on the porch.

"There she is hey Jenna" said one boy with a smile which soon faded when he saw Jennas pissed off face they immediately moved aside allowing her up the stairs of the house and when me and Bri tried following they stopped us. "I wouldn't if I were you two" said one of the boys more scared then threatening. "Yeah I suggest you move or I'll move you myself" said Bri "wait I think we should listen to them" I said "if I were you I would I love my bestie but she's extremely tempered and if you go in there you'll only make things worse for yourselves" said the girl who's name I remember hearing was Nila.

"Right yeah I've definitely noticed that" I said "yeah so have I" Bri added. "So what's your names I'm Beck and this is Austin and the girl right there with the huge forehead is Nila" said the boy named Beck causing the other boy and myself to chuckle. "You think that's funny Pea brain" said Nila glaring at him. You could tell the three have known each other for a long time by the way they joke with one another. "I'm sorry you have to excuse these two we were actually going to go celebrate with our mates and dance the night away since you two are Jennas mates it's only right that you come with" said Austin I glanced over at Bri before looking back at Austin "Nah i think I'm going to wait outside for Jenna" I said "you sure it's a really cold night and you don't look dressed for it" said Nila I smiled "I'll be fine I'm pretty warm blooded" I said she sighed "well ok how about you um.." said Nila trying to think of her name as we hadn't yet given them to them "Oh my apologies I'm Maya and this is Bri" I said "Oh Bri" she repeated "Nice to meet you all and I'm going to have to past as well I think I'll stick with Maya" said Bri I looked at her a little surprised.

"Well ok then I guess we'll see you around" said Nila "yeah" I replied as they all turned and began to walk away as they were leaving I heard them whispering to one another "Damn Jenna sure did hit the jackpot with them two" said Beck " Yeah with two gorgeous and caring mates by he side" said Austin Agreeing, I'm so jealous she gets two fine ass mates and I only get one" said Nila which made me smile. I signed before flopping down onto the cold hard porch leaning up against the brick walls Bri did the same. "So tell me about yourself" she said I glanced over at her with one eyebrow raised "Hm?" I said

"I mean we are going to be spending quite a lot of time together may as well know the basics about one another" she said making a good point "not if she's forced to choose" I said the idea making me kind of sad. "Fair point however I don't think it would be fair to make her choose I mean I've never really believed in the Moon goddess as much as the people around me did but I do believe that she'll never do anything to harm us" she said looking at the night sky. "There has to be a reason why Jenna was given two mates instead of one I find it hard to believe that the moon goddess just did it for shits and giggles" she added on I sighed thinking about her words why was Jenna given to mates instead one why put her through the pain of being even more of an outcast that everyone thinks she is. Questions that roamed my head with no hope of being answered I looked up at the sparkling night sky feeling my eyes getting a bit heavy I decided to close them for a moment.

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