Chapter 4

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Jennas POV:

I was in my room on my bed listening to music it was already 7:30 am which is why I thought it was weird that my uncle and Brother hadn't came in my room yet to get me up for school. Tired of listening to music I took my headphones off and decided to go see what was up. I walked downstairs and I noticed Uncle Roy Aunt Izzy, my cousin Riley and my brother Levi all standing around the counter talking which stopped when they noticed me standing there . "I'm going to be late what gives?" I asked uncle Roy looked up at me. "I got a call earlier this morning from the police department stating that a girl with rainbow colored eyes and her friends jumped the presidents son.... Wanna explain that?" He asked I sighed and shook my head annoyed already. of course them ass hats would say they were jumped instead of just admitting that they had got their asses handed to them by a girl.

"We didn't jump anyone I acted alone" I said he sighed very loudly

"What we're you thinking!" He said "Hey he started with us me and my friends were just trying to have a good time" I explained

"Yeah at a place you never should've been At in the first place and to make matters worse you lied straight to our faces about where you were going" he said

"First off I didn't lie you never asked where exactly I was going All I said was I'm going to hang out with my friends after school and I'll be home later, you never asked any questions" I said. "That's because I trusted that you were mature enough to just hang out with friends" he said "do you know what you just did the boy is in the hospital for 2 broken ribs and a leg broken in 4 different places and don't even get me started on the other 3 humans you decided to give a close up of your strength to, they're also with injuries" said uncle Roy

"Well They Started With Us They Got What Was Coming To Them!" I said kind of yelling

"Go to your room Jenna" said Uncle Roy. "Fine screw you" I said before storming off to my room and slamming the door behind me
Just then I heard a knock on the door "go away" I said but they still came in. I looked up to see my brother walking in and shutting the door behind him. "Nila told me that he said something messed up about Mom and that set you off" he said I just continued to look out the window. "Oh come on Jenna I'm not them" he said "you sure did look right at home standing around the counter talking about me" I said. "What? I wasn't talking about you I was defending you" said Levi I sighed and looked at him. "Yes that was part of the reason why but I wanted to hurt him the moment he walked in the door he hadn't even seen me yet and I was hoping that he did give me some type of reason to fulfill my desire" I said. "Oh" my brother simply said. "Yeah" I said, "look I'll go talk to uncle Roy and see if he can go easy on you far as punishments go" he said I nodded and smiled before leaving my room.

"After about 2 hours of sitting in my room I was finally called back downstairs. I walked downstairs to the living room where uncle Roy was sitting on the couch. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Your aunt took Levi and Ezran to the comic book store so it's just me and you" he explained "Take a seat" he said. "Um okay" I said before sitting down across from him. "What you did was wrong, reckless irresponsible and dangerous, one hit harder and you wouldn't have just hurt them boys but killed them" he said I sighed "I know" I said "no I don't think you do you are the most powerful being to ever walk this earth your not just a witch, your not just a vampire, your not just a werewolf and your most certainly not just a human you are all of them which means you can't afford to lose control because if you do people don't just get hurt they get killed" he said I looked down knowing that he was right I may have wanted to hurt Jim but I don't think I wanted to kill him. "Look at me" he said I looked up to meet his eyes. "I need to know that you understand that" he said I nodded "I understand and I'm sorry" I said he sighed "that's good to hear but I'm not the one you'll have to apologize to" he said "Wait what?! I'm not apologizing to that ass hat" I said "watch your language and you will if you ever want to be able to hang out with your friends again" he said I huffed "Fine but don't expect me to mean it" I said "of course not that would be to big of an ask from you" he said sarcastically I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "So are we done now" I asked "No there's one more thing" he said "what?" I asked "your punishment" he simply said I looked at him confused "what?! I thought making me apologize to that jerk face was my punishment" I said

"Very funny but no, your punishment is that your to go from door to door and ask everyone from this pack if their in need of any help whatever they ask you to help them with you help them with no is not an option" he said I looked at him like he was crazy "are you serious" I asked "yup this will go on for 3 weeks" he said I just sat there looking at him he then got up. "Good talk now if you'll excuse me i have papers to fill out" he said before leaving.

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