Training Camp Day 2 Pt. 6

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???Junior Magician 4???: “Judging from your face, you probably have never heard nor seen this kind of spell before. Just warning you, kid. There are many more spells than you think. And trust me, it’s not so simple. If there is one thing I learn from being a magician, spells are complex.”

Asher: (I’ve never seen anything like this before. If a Junior Magician is capable of doing this, does that mean Floy was just using a small percentage of his power?)

???Junior Magician 4???: “Anyways, time to end this battle.”

Asher then started throwing cards towards the Junior Magician. The Junior Magician blocks all of it with his Steel Gloves. He then casted a spell to create a full metal giant sword. He then swings the sword downwards towards Asher. Asher then uses his Ace Of Spades, breaking the sword.

Asher: *Pants hard.* (Damn it! Is he making me do a lot of 'Ace Of Spades’ until I run out of energy?)

???Junior Magician 4???: “Focus!”

Asher: *Shocked.* “The Aces: One!”

Only one clone is created. The clone got hit by the giant metal bar the Junior Magician shot and it disappeared. Another one comes and Asher tries to avoid getting hit using everything he can.

???Junior Magician 4???: “Not bad, kid.”

Asher: *Pants hard.* (How long will this keep up?)

Another giant metal bar comes charging behind Asher. Asher spawned another clone. It blocks it but, by the time it hits the clone, another one comes from the back. Asher was a little late to react so it hit him. He was knocked down. This gives a chance for the Junior Magician to attack him. He then casted a spell to stop Asher from moving.

???Junior Magician 4???: “Rib Cage.”

A metal cage then fell, trapping Asher on the ground.

???Junior Magician 4???: “Well, the battle is over, kid. You lose.” *smiles.*

Amelie: “Ice Lance: Double: Close!”

???Junior Magician 4???: *Shocked.* (What?)

The Junior Magician got hit by two Ice Lances’, He fell and is unconscious. Amelie then helps Asher get up.

Amelie: “Asher, you okay?”

Asher: “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you. You got in too?”

Amelie: “Yeah. That guy must’ve forgotten that I’m also here.” *giggle.*

Asher: “Where is steven?”

Steven: “I’m here.”

Asher: “Steven! You okay?”

Steven: “Yeah, I’m good. Anyways, we better get moving. The other Junior Magicians are heading to the others right?”

Asher: “You’re right. We better hurry! Let’s go!”

Asher and the other two quickly go back to their classmates.

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