Aunt patricia

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Charlie's POV
"Charlie," my mother said looking at me over the dining room table.
"Yes mother?" I asked In my most polite voice.
"I'm afraid that your father and I are going away,"
"Oh really, for how long?" I interrupted.
"Don't interrupt me!" Mother snapped. I looked at father who was glaring at me.
"It's going to be for a while" she said, calming down a little bit.
"A while? How longs a while?" Mother looked at father and, retaining her anger towards him, said "I don't know..."
I blinked, as the news sunk in. "A-a-am I not coming with you?" I stuttered trying to remain as dignified as possible.
"No, I'm afraid not"
"You can't just leave me here alone!" I was getting angry now, and I felt the fire rising in my toes, slowly spreading through the rest of my body.
"Oh, don't be so stupid!" She said laughing a posh little snort, like she always does when I assume something that's utter nonsense. "Where am I going then?" I said, as the fire slowly crawled back to my toes and cooled at the tips.
"To your aunt Patricia's my dear"
Oh no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no, NO!
Anywhere but aunt Patricia's! She reminds me of miss trunchable from 'Matilda' expect a little more hairy in some areas. I would rather die than live there, SHE EATS SPINACH FOR BREAKFAST! And if I refused to eat that spinach she would eat ME for breakfast! "When are you going?" I said quietly.
"Speak up child!" Father finally said.
"When are you going?" I repeated louder.
"Tomorrow," Father said quickly.
"You will be left here for a few hours, and aunt Patricia will come and Collect you at about 1 o'clock" mother said, finishing fathers sentence for him. "But W-"
"BUT WHY NOTHING!" She yelled. "It is none of your business!"
As her words pierced the air, I stood up and ran to my bedroom.
To watch Dan and Phil.
The only way I find I can escape the world of 'posh parents'.

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