Home alone

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Charlie's POV
12:03 am
"Bye, we will see you.... Some time" and she didn't even give me a kiss goodbye. They just left. And that was it.
Goodbye parents, I love you to!
3:28 pm
Aunt Patricia still isn't here.
9:48 pm
It's nearly ten o'clock. And all aunt Patricia's phone is doing is ring ring ring ring ringing. It's getting a little annoying now...at least I changed my caller ring tone to fall out boy, so I'm sitting here singing along to centuries none stop waiting 'patiently' for her to pick up the stupid phone!

When I woke up in the morning my hand ached from the amount of writing I did in my diary. But I forgot why I had written in my diary. I forgot about the pain when everything came flooding back and I realised I wasn't in aunt Patricia's box room with a tiny single bed and brown wallpaper, and the only China ornament was of a Tudor beheading. But I was in fact in my bedroom, the colourful wallpaper glistened in the early morning light. A shot of which light had creeped through the pink curtains, that turned everything pink when sunshine was cast upon them. I went down stairs and to my horror it was 12:00! So I called aunt Patricia one more time. And she picked up!
"Who is this?!" She snapped
"It's Charlie, aunt Patricia." I answered.
"Charlie? Oh, charlie... Charlie make sure when someone answers the phone you greet them with respect, not hi!" She snapped. That's all she does, snap at people.
"And how's that?" I asked.
"Ok, well HELLO aunt Patricia, I just wondered when your coming to pick me up?" I asked.
"Pick you up?!"
"Ummmm, yeah my parents asked you to pick me up because they have gone away."
"That's disgraceful!"
"I know! They left with hardly any warning!"
"No, not that! The fact that they think they can just leave me with a disrespectful child any time they want!"
"So your not coming to get me?!"
"Of course not child! Not with bingo! I can't leave you alone until about ten o'clock every night can I?!"
"It will be better than leaving me home alone for.....well....I don't know for how long but that's not the poi-" and she hung up on me. Great. Just great.
Dans POV
"Morning Dan" said Phil smiling. I switched off my laptop and got out of the 'browsing position' for the first time in the last two hours. In his arms Phil had about 15 parcels all wrapped in the same paper. All from him. Because I have no friends and my parents are in Australia and they have sent it in the post but it's not arrived yet. "Morning Phil, ha ha you shouldn't have!" I said smiling back.
"These aren't for YOU Dan!" He said laughing. I rolled my eyes and laughed back. He walked forward to sit on my bed and tripped over a stray sock that I had left on the floor of my bedroom last night, parcels went flying through the air landing right on top of me, the heaviest landing on the worst place possible. "AGHHHH" I screamed in pain. Phil heard my cries and immediately jumped off the ground rubbing his forehead which he had hit on the corner of my bed. He looked at me confused, eventually his eyes rolled down further than my top half. Eventually I watched something in his brain click together and he suddenly started panicking. "OH MY GOD DAN! I-I-IM SO SO SO SORRY...... ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"
"I'm fine!" I said beginning to laugh.
"Well.....ummm.... Happy birthday?" He said guiltily. He picked the parcel up and handed it to me.
"Thanks....." I said still laughing a little. I unwrapped the gift and beneath the black (typical) paper was a load of bubble wrap. After I had removed and destroyed the bubble wrap, i bursted into laughter as inside was a porcelain pig.
Charlie's POV
"Mum?! Mum is that you?!"
"Oh, Charlie! How are you?"
It took a long time for me to think about this. I have been on my own for two whole weeks now, our water supplies have been cut, good job I thought of that one I filled up as many bottles as I could find with water, and our electricity supplies have been cut to and
My phone is on its last 5 percent battery and I dont have enough money for any food.
"Aunt Patricia Never arrived......" I said thinking that would sum everything up .
"Oh" she gulped.
"Oh! mum is that all you can say? I'm stuck at home with no food, the water supplies have been cut and so has the electricity my phone is on its last 5 percent and I'm wasting it on you!" I yelled down the phone at her.
"Well I can't do anything about that can I?" She said.
"Yes mum, you can come home." I said sternly.
"No, Charlie just hear me out"
"Do I have to?" I sulked.
"Look, the reason your father and I left was because we're b-bankrupt and your father stole some money, so we're on the run" she said.
"They caught us Charlie, that's why we can't come home we've been arrested!"
"How much did father take?!" I asked getting angry.
"550k...." She said guiltily, gulping back her tears. "I'm calling on the police phone and I have to go soon"
"But wh-" and my phone died.
I sat and curled into a ball on my bed and cried myself to sleep.
Phils POV
"So, do you like the pig?" I asked Dan smiling.
"I did, until it learnt how to do karate" he answered screwing up his face in pain but still managing to smile.
"You didn't even know what it was until you opened it." I pointed out.
"Whatever" he said laughing.
"Shall we get on with the day in the life?" I asked. We were going to film a day in the life birthday special video.
"sure, but....let me take some painkillers first" he said climbing out of bet and limping his way to the bathroom.
Charlie's POV
"Mum! Mum no!"
"Goodbye Charlie"
And she faded into dust and flew away up to the prison made of clouds for her lifetime.
I woke up screaming and crying, I was so happy before all this happened to me.
The door squeaked open from downstairs, dammit I forgot to lock the door!
"Hello?" A voice said. "Anyone in here". I walked slowly down the stairs grabbing the first thing I could find, an umbrella, as self defence. I sneaked into the hallway and peaked round the door into the sitting room, stood inside was my neighbour.
"Jack!" I came running round the edge of the door and hugged him. "Charlie? What are you doing here?"
"Aunt Patricia never came" I cried into his arm. He sighed and said "Your filthy Charlie!" He said "come with me" he took my hand and led me out the house, the door slamming behind us.....forever.

I sat on jacks sofa sipping hot chocolate out a mug that had written on it 'despite the look on my face your still talking' and he sat opposite me sipping tea out one that had written on it 'silently judging you'. "So when's the social work arriving?" I asked gulping back the tears. The doorbell rang. "Right now" he said raising his eyebrows.

"Hello Charlie" said the social worker kindly.
"Hello" I said just managing a smile.
"Right" she said wiping a bit of dirt off my face. "I'm Zoe and I'm going to be your social worker, I'm going to take you to Almtree house, were you will be place in an emergency care order."
"Will I be able to visit my parents?" I asked
"I-I'm afraid not" she stuttered. I nodded slowly, expecting that to be the answer.

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