Bad luck

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Charlie's POV...
"It's goood stuffff init.." Slurred Becky. My head span and whenever I tried to stand up I fell over. "It's great."
"Want moreeee...?" I hesitated for a minute, I knew I shouldn't. However it was like my mouth had a mind of its own and before I could stop myself it answered for me. "Fill me up." I said, drunkenly holding my glass out towards her. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "It's only me Charlie, just came to check how your feeling."
There was a load of crashes as me and Becky shoved any evidence under the bed. "Quick take some gum, get rid of the smell."
"Girls? What's going on In there?"
"Nuffing, you can come in." Becky tried to act as sober as she could, but it wasn't easy for her. Zoe pushed the door open with her elbow and she lugged a tray in with her, on the tray there were biscuits piled high on one plate, a glass of orange juice and a plate of lasagne. "Becky, teas ready go dow...." She stopped halfway and sniffed.
"Wasrong...?" Slurred Becky, but I knew exactly what it was.
"Can I smell something...?"
"No..." I squeaked. She shrugged.
"Are you feeling better? Have some food I'll just leave it down here." I was flooded with relief at the realisation of getting away with it. Or so I thought. She bent down and stopped, placing the tray on the floor she reached out and pulled up the bed sheets to get a better look under my bed. Becky shot me a look. "Charlie...?" She said pulling out one of the bottles.
"Err..uh..." I stuttered, lost for words.
"Girls, come with me." I stood up, hanging my head in shame. Becky shot me an evil stare, as if it was all my fault. She sat there. "You to Becky. I wasn't born yesterday I know you were drinking this stuff to." She dragged us both down the stairs, I obliged but Becky tried to force her off. "Becky, stop!" Said Zoe trying to hold her still. "I shouldn't be punished for this! It was her idea!" She yelled. I stood there in shock. "You liar no it wasn't!" I said stamping my foot on the step like a grumpy toddler. Zoe stared at me as if saying stay out of this but I didn't. "This had nothing to do with me you bitch! All you do is make my life a misery, you have no idea about my history, so let me tell you a story. When I was five my dad lost his job, he started acting really strange-"
"CHARLIE-" Zoe yelled over me, but I kept going. I needed to get all this anger out, I've been bottling it up inside me for far to long. "After a few months he snapped out of his trance and began to abuse me and my mum. I ended up in hospital many times, how we got away with it I never know. My mum fell ill, my lovely caring mum became sick. Brain tumour. It was slowly killing her- so they operated. She survived. Just. She wasn't the same again, she shouted. Lots. stood up to my dad. But never stood up for me. Because of my mums sick leave and my dad out of a job, we were bankrupt. My dad robbed a bank and they both went on the run from police, leaving me to fend for myself. I quickly ran out of food and the water supply had been cut. My neighbour found me. I could have died. But I didn't. Story over, what about you, huh?" I asked seriously. All Becky did was stand there shocked. I freed my hand from Zoe's and pinned Becky up against the banister of the stairs and repeated myself. "I said, what about you?"
"My parents left me here when I was a baby..."
"Exactly, now I don't think that quite matches up, do you?"
"N-no." She stuttered. I lifted my hands off her shoulders and ran back upstairs, expecting Zoe to follow me. Thankfully she didn't.

I woke up when the lights came on, I turned on my side and Shan was standing there. "Hi." I said rubbing my eyes.
"Hi..." She said walking over to her bed. "What happened?" She asked. "I mean... I saw what happened between you and Becky but what started it?" She continued. I sighed.
"She made me drink..."
"Drink what? Wine?" She interrupted.
"Yeah, and Zoe caught us."
"That sucks, looks like your sympathy act didn't just work on Becky though."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Zoe. I think she feels bad about blaming you."
" oh..."
"Anyway, teas ready when you want to go down." She said, pulling her brush out and running it through her hair. The blue glinted from the sunlight shining through the window. I squinted. I rolled over onto my side thinking about it for a while. "Are you coming down or not?" Said Shan brushing past my bed.
"Maybe in a minute..." She nodded and left. I rolled my legs out of bed and padded over to the window in my warm woolly socks, one of the only things I had left of my mum. I stood by the windowsill squinting out against the sun and I let a small tear roll down my cheek but I wiped it away quickly. My tummy let out a gurgling noise letting me know it's time to go down for tea. Just as I walked up to the door to go down, I looked over to my left and something caught my eye. It was on a shelf above the desk me and Shan use to do homework, it was propped up against a little book stopper. The one on the other side had gone missing so the little baby elephant sitting on the rock looked pretty forlorn without the mummy elephant. But that didn't bother me. I stood on our spinny chair trying to balance myself as it wobbled around under my weight and pulled it down off the shelf. My diary? I thought. where did this come from? I sat on my bed and stroked the cover. I had decorated it when I was bored on a flight to Japan with my parents. Before my mums operation, she was diagnosed in Japan and was unable to come home for months. So my dad looked after me.....
I had stuck a piece of denim cut out from one of my old pairs of jeans onto the front of it, but before sticking it on the front I stuck a load of badges onto the neat little square. I stroked the soft, comfy fabric, letting my fingers brush over the badges. Pierce The Veil, Dan and Phil, Fall Out Boy, Sleeping With Sirens, PTX, Set It Off, Against the current....
Suddenly a memory popped back into my brain. The night of the Against The Current concert, I went to see them on there world tour with my best friends, Cat, Abbie, Molly, Harry, Zoe, Harry's brother Luke and Cats brother Ollie. It was Cats birthday party, the tickets weren't very expensive because there not that well known. I remember Zoe mumbling along to the words because she didn't know the lyrics, predicting what it would say in the next chorus and pretending she knew the lines. I giggled a bit at that. I remembered the support act, and the singers hilarious keyboard jamming, again I laughed. Oh god I missed them so much. I flipped my diary to the day I met Tyler Oakley with Cat, I spent two weeks on a picture for him and didn't even get to give it to him myself. We only had thirty seconds with him to take a few photos, though it was enough to be the best  30 seconds of my life.  I read through the text written in my messy handwriting, it reminded me of afterwards when my mum found the rudest chapter and the looks me and Cat exchanged when she frowned. I turned it to the last entry I had written in my diary. I don't know why I took it to school that day I hadn't even bothered to write in it for ages. Serves me right. I thought. I'm such an idiot, if I hadn't brought it in Tilly wouldn't have seen it. I hate the voice inside my head sometimes. I turned the paper to a clean page and got out a pen from the little basket we store them in. It was a fountain pen, the ones that aren't meant to leak. I started writing.

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