Damaged heart damaged lungs

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Charlie's POV
Lung cancer.
I have lung cancer. All I need now is a handsome boy in my life and I will be hazel from the fault in our stars. But with with a slightly more tragic story. I can see the headline in the papers now. 'Girl in care because family been arrested, bullied at school, and has been diagnosed with lung cancer!' Or maybe just to shorten it down a little bit, and to sum up my life in one sentence 'DAMAGED HEART, DAMAGED LUNGS!"
I lay on my side breathing deeply into the mask. Tears took a drunken stroll down my cheeks. I wiped them off course. "Hi..." Said Shan strolling over to me nervously. "Oh...hi..." I said squeezing out a fake smile and wiped away the remaining tears. "How are you feeling?" She asked kindly, handing me a glass of water. I slurped down the water in one gulp and gripped my chest in pain. Probably shouldn't have done that. "Bit better..." I said filling the awkward silence. She nodded. "Budge up." she said lifting the covers up, I shuffled along and made room for her. She slid under the duvet and gripped onto me, pulling herself in and hugged me. I hugged back and at the exact same time we started crying. "Oh my god..." Shan said. "I feel like this is all my fault!" She cried, one hand covering her face the other around my shoulder. Wiping a blue strand of hair out of my mouth I said "Shan how could you think that! None of this is your fault! How can it be?" She looked at me with large puppy-dog eyes. She put her other hand around me and squeezed tighter. "OUCH!" I yelled. She pulled back quickly, a shocked look on her face. "I-I'm so sorry!" She gasped. I smiled and said "Now THAT was your fault." We both started laughing hysterically. Wiping more blue out my mouth I said "no wonder I'm ill! I've eaten too much of your hair..." She looked at me confused as I struggled to get it out my mouth. "Oh! Right!" She laughed "sorry." We hugged again.
Dans POV...
I stood next to the door like a Lemon eagerly waiting for the bell to ring and for Phil to finally stopped hoovering. It rang. "PHIL!" I yelled over the hoovering noise. Nothing. "PHIL! PHIL TURN IT OFF!" Still nothing.
"Ouch! No need to shout!"he laughed.
"Oh, you have turned it off...." Suddenly I remembered the person at the door. I turned around took a deep breath and opened the door with a squeak. Something flashed in the back of my mind. "One minute!" I said shutting the door in the woman's face. "Phil, the lightbulb!" I said. He looked up and gasped. He ran down the stairs and jumped to try and pull it out the socket. He pulled back. "Ouch!" He said.
"Are you okay? Here let me." I jumped and pulled it down out of the lamp shade. "There" I said handing it to Phil. "Chuck that in the bin and put a plaster on you finger."
"Okay" he said, and ran up the stairs. I turned around and opened the door. "Hi, sorry bout that." I said smiling at the woman standing there. "That's quite alright." She said in strong British accent. "Can I come in?" I stepped aside and she gracefully walked in, flipping her silk scarf over her shoulder. She clutched her clip board tightly against her chest as she walked straight into the bathroom to find Phil plastering his finger. He looked up surprised and I put my head in my hands. "Ummm...hi." He said waving and smiling awkwardly. The lady sighed and took down notes on her clipboard. She pushed past Phil and stared at our appliances. She lifted up the toilet seat and flushed it, she checked the taps ran properly and the hot water wasn't to hot. She smiled and nodded her head as if she approved and took down some more notes. "So, miss...?"
"it's Mrs Murphy."
"Sorry Mrs Murphy...what's the verdict of our bathroom?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence. It didn't work.
"It all looks good to me..... and it's a toilet not a bathroom."
"i-I'm sorry?" I asked a little confused.
"It's a toilet not a bathroom, that's illogical as it has no bath in it."
"Oookayyy...sitting room?" I asked her.
"Yes, lead the way." She said gesturing down the corridor.
"She's a bit scary...." Said Phil, following me out the bathroom.
"You don't say...." I replied.

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