The locket and the camera

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Hey guys! I did t really like what I did with the last few chapters so I changed the story I tiny bit and wrote it better, enjoy!

Charlie's POV....
I attempted to haul my overnight bag out the car but dropped it on the floor and winced in pain Shan hopped out the other side and picked it up off the floor then rubbed my back "you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah just heavy..." I said pointing at my bag. She nodded and linked arms with me leading me towards the front door of my 'home'.
"Charlie, how are you?!"
"What's it like to almost die?"
"What you come back for, no one wants you here!"
"Charlie! It's so SO great to see you!"
Everyone crowded round as soon as I stepped through the doorway. God I hate it here.
"Guys" said Shan. But everyone just carried on nudging and shoving me into a corner ready to question me.
"Guys!" Shan said a little louder. Still no one stopped.
"GUYS!" By this point I think there deaf.
"GUYYYYYSSSS!!!!!" Screamed Shan. "Just back off! Okay?"
"We're only asking questions!" Said jake, A stubborn boy with short black hair swept to one side but with multiple strands escaping into his dark sea blue eyes. "Is cancer contagious? Cause I think Shan might have caught it and it's wriggled its way into her brain." I was taken aback by his comment.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled. "Are you sure you don't suffer from something to. Perhaps....hmmm....nerd-itis?" I said giving him a little push over the shoulder. What? I couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Looks like Shan isn't the only one with something wriggling around In there." He said, poking my forehead. I stood there with my arms crossed. "Also, just to THINK what it will be like to live with out your hair." He said tugging at one of the longs strands with his long fingers. "Oh, and, when you die, can I have your necklace?" He said yanking my locket from round my neck. "No!" I screamed but he chucked it on the ground and stamped on it. He walked away laughing. Everyone else who had been watching had mixed reactions. Some whispered about how disgraceful it was to do something like that, others sniggered. But none of them comforted me. Shan walked away to give me some peace while I picked up the shattered pieces of my precious glass locket. I stared at the photo of me and my mum hugging.I closed my eyes and tried to picture the day the photo was taken. All that came up was what she looked like after the recovery from her surgery. Her hair pulled back into a tight bun above her head. Her suits pressed tightly against her skin, ironed neatly. Her pointed eyebrows. Her lips pressed tightly together in a thin line. Her posh, stern voice. All life drained from her body completely, no longer the woman in the photo. The stranger in the crumpled image had flowing auburn hair, blowing in the wind, the highlights shone through like stars in a clear night sky. Beautiful sky blue eyes, that shone in the sunshine, full of life and happiness as she stared at me lovingly. Her Pearly White teeth glinting as she stretched her pink lips into a loving smile. And her adorable button nose pressed up against my chubby toddler cheek. I stroked her nose, her hair, every inch of her desperately trying to remember one more thing about her. Like her smell. Did she smell of rose petals? Maybe sandalwood? Suddenly I pictured something at last. The day she bought her ted baker moisturiser because it smelt so good. She tripped over the chair leg of one of our garden chairs and fell face first into the small tub, she got up immediately laughing about it, I laughed to, I gently wiped away the neat dollop of cream off her nose. Her smile faded and a tear rolled slowly down her cheek. I stopped laughing to. She walked past me and into the house. I stood there. She announced over dinner that night that she was sick. She had been getting terrible migraines for a few months, so she got an appointment at the
doctors, and she had three brain tumours in the left side of her brain. It might as well have Been her heart, as she no longer had one after the operation.
I guess sickness runs in the family.....

Phils POV
"Bye!" Me and Dan waved good bye to Mrs Murphy. I slammed the door closed and sighed deeply, looked dan in the eyes and said "I thought she'd never leave." He laughed.
"Me too...."
Suddenly I realised something. "Who cares?" I said slipping my thin arms around his neck. "We did it..." I whispered exited. "We're gonna be parents!" I said louder. Dan laughed.
"WE'RE GONNA BE PARENTS!" Dan yelled. I laughed at him. Dans smile faded as he leaned in and pressed his soft lips against mine. "Time to celebrate?" I whispered to him. He smiled.
"C'mon." He led me to the banister on the stairs and picked up both our coats then pulled me outside. The chilled night air cooled my skin. Dan handed me my coat and rubbed my arms gently "You'll soon warm up." He said smiling gently as I swung my jacket over my arms. He walked me down the road and we turned at a corner, he put his arm out in the road as a taxi came out way. The taxi pulled up next to us, the driver wound down the window "where you heading?" He asked. Dan looked at me and smiled. "The Ledbury." I looked at him. "But that's so expensive!" He rolled his eyes and said "And, we deserve it." I laughed at him and smiled. We got in the taxi and the driver started to pull away.

Ten minutes later we arrived. The white Walls shined and the waiter came over to us "Hello sir, How may I help?" I looked at Dan, he nodded at me. "Can we have a table for two please? Oh and can we make sure it's a window seat?" The waiter nodded and indicated towards a table with two seats covered in posh freak velvet, we sat down saying thank you to him and looked at the menu. "I think I'm going to have the fillet steak." I said, breaking the awkward silence. Dan looked at me "I think I'll have a salad."
"Just a salad? Dan we come out to a nice posh restaurant and you want a salad." I said laughing. "I'm not that hungry." He said smiling.

"I'll pay." Said Dan.
"Know... Split it." I said.
"No, honestly, my treat." He replied.
"Okay..." I said reluctantly. I leant over the table and gently kisses him on the lips. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear. I looked out the window and saw the flash of a camera. "Dan..."
"Yeah?" He said. He followed my eyes out the window. The person holding the camera peered at us from under there black hooded jacket with managing brown eyes. They saw us looking and pulled the jacket further down over there face and ran off. "Oh god." Said Dan, as quickly as possible he slapped down three £50 notes down on the table and ran out, I followed. We chased the person down the street yelling. We lost them. "Let's just go home...." I said to Dan.

I payed the taxi driver and followed Dan up the stairs to the apartment. "Look, they might not have even been taking photos of us, you never know."
"I guess..." Said Dan looking down at the floor.
"Come here." I said taking him into his arms and rocking him. Dan went over and put the radio on, he held onto my hand and we slow danced around the room, I rested my head on his shoulder and placed my arms around his waist. The song finished and we released each other. "I'm going up to bed." I said, walks over to the window to shut the window. "I'll come with you." Said Dan.
"Ugh, what now."
"There outside again."
"Great...." I turned around and Dan was already on his way to try to catch the stalker, I watched out the window as he chased them down the road, he tripped over a paving stone and lost them. I ran out to make sure he was alright. "Dan! you okay?"
"Yeah... I'm fine." He said getting up and limping his way towards me.
"I saw there face." He said.
"You don't think...?"
"Yeah, I do."

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