Board meeting

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Charlie's POV
"Shan, Shan Im so sorry please, I- I just kicked off I didn't mean what I said, OK?" She looked up from her magazine at me, then looked straight back down again. "Ugh, Shan....."
"How would you feel if someone called you a nut case and your in care cause your mum has mental problems and your dad committed suicide because he was beaten up by her so many times!" She snapped at me.
I was speechless.
"Oh my god! Shan I'm- I'm so sorry! I had no idea....please forgive me."
"Why should I...." She said. I sat on the edge of my bed and cupped my face In the palms of my hands.
"Because we were getting along so well and I have no other friends...." I mumbled, wiping the tears off my cheek.
She looked up from her magazine again and saw me do so. "Oh, Charlie...." She said kindly walking over and giving me a hug. "I'm sorry, I think we both overreacted a little bit, don't you?" I nodded and smiled at her.
I held out my hand to her and said "friends?" She shook it and said "friends." And we hugged again.
"Tea!!!!" Zoe called from downstairs.
"Come on!" Said Shannon. "Wednesday's steak and chips day..... The way Zoe cooks the steak is to die for!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs.
Phil's POV
"Dan! Hurry up we have to be there in ten minutes!" I yelled up the stairs.
"I'm coming I'm coming!" He said, emerging at the top of the stairs. In a suit. A suit. A SUIT?!
"Wow.....ummm....." I looked down at my bright yellow jumper and my black skinny jeans.
"What? We have to make an impression Phil...."
"Your right, I'll be back in ten...." And I legged it up the stairs, past Dan, and into my bedroom. I tore all my rainbow coloured materials off the hangers until I find what I've been looking for.
The suit that I bought, the day I found the ring in dans coat pocket.
The memories rattled in my brain....

"Hey, Phil, do you wanna go out tonight?" He asked me.
"Yeah sure, were to?" I asked.
"It's a surprise...." he said, lifting my chin in his hands and kissing me firmly on the lips, then he walked away.
I bent down and picked his black leather jacket off the floor and a small box fell out the pocket. I looked around me to make sure he wasn't watching me. I picked it up and had a peek inside.
A ring.......
Tears of happiness began to gather In my eyes.
"Dan! I'm going out!" I yelled smiling. I went out and bought a suit for tonight, assuming we'd be going some where special.
Later that night......
I walked downstairs that night wearing my new suit. "Ha ha...Phil, were only going down to the chippy, anyway, since when did you own a suit?" He asked me.
"I- I.....errrrmm..."
"Phil, are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't feel well." I said.
"Are you sure....?" He said. I sat on the step and took off my shoes.
"I don't want to go out any more....." I said walking up the steps slowly.
"Oh no... You found it didn't you Phil?"
"F-find what... I don't know what your talking about...." I lied.
"The ring Phil, you found the ring....." I was starting to get a little cross now.
"Yes Dan!" I said turning around. "I found the ring! Happy?!"
" I'm not...." He said.
"What was it for anyway?" I asked.
"My mum wanted me to sell it, she can hardly afford a packet of crisps, I offered her some of our money but you know what she's like. She turned it down and gave me this..... Her engagement ring....." He said, smiling guiltily. "I'm sorry Phil, I don't think we're ready for something as big as that yet." He continued. "I do love you Phil, you know th-"
"Well it doesn't seem like it...." I interrupted. "You might not be ready Dan....but I AM" I said. "If it means telling the fans then fine, if it means hiding it from the fans then fine....." I said gently. Dan cupped his face in his hands. He removed his hands and gazed at me, his big brown eyes glistening in the light. Then got down on one knee. "Will you marry me, Phil?" He looked at me hopefully.
"You silly muppet." I laughed. His face dropped. "Of course I'll marry you!" I said as if the past few minutes happened 10 years ago.

"Phil, is that your wedding suit?" Dan asked.
" yeah.... I don't have any other suit." I said laughing.
"Right lets go!" Said Dan, getting excited.

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