First birthday

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Dans POV...

"Okay, guys we have a plan." Shan said as Phil answered the door.
"Uh, hi Shan, Zoe...?"
"Sorry about turning up unexpected." Said Zoe, shutting the door behind her.
"That's alright." Phil said, looking at me and smiling.
"So, it's Charlie's birthday in two days." Shan said.
"Two days?!" Me and Phil said In unison.
"Errr, we need a lot of stuff, we weren't expecting it so soon."
"That's why we're here, but first, sit down." Shan said, pushing her way to the kitchen table. We all sat around together.
"So what is it?"
"So, it's Charlie's birthday in 2 days, so we need to make plans."
"Okay, cool, what are we doing?" I asked, before Phil could.
"So, she gets home from school at three, I'm going to sneak one of her books out of her bag, and tell our teacher to give her a detention for it so I get home before she does and we can get on with everything."
"Good plan."
"So, I'm going to go out with you guys to buy party stuff and things you need for when she comes home to you." Shan said smiling widely. "Um, I'm coming with you..." Said Zoe.
"Ugh, Zoe you can trust these guys."
"Yeah i know but I need to supervise you anyway."
"Zoe please I just want some quality time with my cousin!" Shan said, raising her voice now. Zoe's eyes flickered from Shan to Phil to me.
"Please...?" Phil asked. Zoe sighed and rolled her eyes. "You, Shannon Lester, have me wrapped around your little finger." She said laughing.
"Yes!" We all said.
"I'll see you all later!" Said Zoe picking up her coat and heading for the door. "Bye!" We waited for the door to slam. "YES SHES GONE!" Said Shan holding up her hands for Phil and I to high five.

Charlie's POV...

My first birthday without my parents...
I thought to myself. Tomorrow. It was my first birthday without my parents. Tomorrow...
I clicked the top of my pen up and down, the clicking noise making everyone stare at me.
"Charlie...?" The voice was soft, distant. "Charlie? It's your line."
"What...?" I asked.
"It's your line."
"Oh, right." I said, looking down at the script. "Where are we again?" I asked. Danielle rolled her eyes at me.
"You know what, I give up."
"Look- just tell me where we are in the script and I'll concentrate this time..."
"We're here." She said pointing at the script. "I'll say my line." I put my pen to my paper and acted out scribbling on the scrap of paper.
"Hey, what's the matter?" She said.
"Nothing... How many times?!"
"Yes, and how many times do I have to tell you, it's part of the script!"
"Ohhh, right." I said. "Sorry, I'm in a world of my own..."
"You can say that again." She mumbled grumpily under her breath.
"Look, just go again." She sighed heavily and said her line.
"Hey, what's the matter?" I looked down at the script and read out my line.
"It's nothing- really..."
"I can't help if you don't tell me."
"It's my first birthday... My first without my parents." As I said it, I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me. Really? Of all the things this thing could be about...
"You know what- I can't do this..." I said scrunching up the paper and getting out of my seat. I walked out the room. "Charlie?! Where are you going?" Said Danielle, angrily. I heard the scraping of a chair on the floor and voices that quietened as I walked even further away, but I manage to just catch what they were saying.
"Danielle, leave it..." Miss Emends.
"Miss, you can't let her just walk out like that!" Danielle.
"No, I can't, but she's going through a lot at the moment..."  One last voice broke through the air.
"Too right she is. I'm going after her Miss, is that okay?" Shan.
"Yes. Go."
The door creaked open and I walked faster.
"Charlie!" I stopped dead in my tracks.
"What." I said sternly, without turning to face her. Tears were streaming down my cheeks now. "Are... You okay?" She asked. Her caring tone made me sadder, it reminded me of my mum. "Yes, Shan, I'm fine." I said still not turning around.
"Charlie I know your not, what's the matter?"
I finally turned around, I ran towards her and gave her a hug. She held me in her arms tightly and told me everything would be okay, she told me all about how there going to make Tomorrow the best birthday ever, that I didn't need my parents to have a good day. I didn't believe her...

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