It makes everyone happy

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Phils POV...

"Dan...?" I asked, the way a 9 year old does when they want something. He sat up in his sofa crease. "What do you want?" He said, rolling his eyes sarcastically. He closed his laptop and set it aside, he'd been updating me on what's been going on with the video, things seem to be calming down. I've been to scared to go on social media and YouTube since. "I got a text from Shan." I said.
"Yes... She can come over for the weekend." He said, predicting what I was going to say but failing. "Dan, that's not what I was going to ask you." I said.
"Oh, what was it then?"
"She saw the rumours about us adopting and asked me if it was true, I told her yes and... Oh just read the messages." I said getting out my phone. I showed him the texts and he scrolled through, smiling. "Look, it makes Shan happy, it makes this girl-"
"Charlie." I interrupted.
"It makes Charlie happy and it makes life a whole lot easier for us, therefore we're happy." He said, handing my phone back to me. "So, we're doing this?" I asked.
"Don't see why not." He said smiling widely. I couldn't resist, I pulled him towards me and kissed him, then pulling Dan into a hug I said "I love you Howell." my voice was muffled by his jacket and the light sound of his amazing laugh. Everything about him made me so happy, from his sparkly brown eyes to his caring yet sarcastic nature. "I love you Lester." He continued "everything's alright in the end." He said, holding onto me so tightly it was as if he thought I would just drift away slowly. "I'm gonna call Shan, put her on speaker." I said, releasing myself from his arms. "We could get some more information on Charlie." I continued, he nodded slowly. I never thought I would see the day that Dan Howell was speechless. There was something about his smile and the glint in his eyes that made him seem ten times happier than normal. But then I guess there never is normal in this house hold. I pulled my phone out my pocket and dialled Shans number. She picked up almost straight away. "Hi..." She said in a hushed voice.
"HI SHAN." Yelled Dan like an over excited toddler. I laughed."hey, how are you?"
"I'm good thanks, you?"
"I'm great, why are we whispering?" I said realising I had been talking in a whispered tone to.
"Okay, so I know I didn't mention this in my texts but I haven't actually spoken to Zoe about this yet, I was hoping you'd do that, and Charlie doesn't know either. It's her birthday soon, and I thought we could throw her a little party with you guys as the present." She said laughing quietly down the phone. I glanced at Dan, he had his face in his hands and was giggling to himself. "Aw, that's a lovely idea. Anyway Dan said we can go ahead."
"Really?! OMG that's the best news ever, i can't wait to see Charlie's face when she unwraps you guys..." She said sarcastically.
"Phil, it was a joke." Said Dan shaking his head at me. I heard Shan giggle through the phone. "So Shan, we were wondering, could you give us information about Charlie?" Dan asked her.
"Okay, sure. So she's 13 and in the same year at school as me."
"Okay..." I said. "What about her history?"
"Okay, she came into care about 6, 7 months ago maybe. The reason she was brought in was because her mum had had an operation on her brain and her dad was made redundant causing him to be abusive toward her and her mother, however because her dad was struggling to find a job and her mum was on sick leave they were bankrupt. Her dad got help from others and robbed a bank, £728, 000! Can you believe it? So basically she's here because her parents are in prison..."
"Okay, and what about school?"
"She's not the most intelligent person ever and struggled with a few subjects but she's amazing in art and she's incredible at acting, but she gets reply anxious performing but other than that..."
"No I mean, in terms of fitting in."
"Oh, right, she's quite severely bullied at the moment by three girls, Tilly, Hannah and someone else, she doesn't fit in very well and has anxiety that no one knows about."
"Right," I said "your not that far away from us though, we probably wouldn't move her into another school."
"She wouldn't care, she's strong. Really strong."
"Anything else."
"I don't think so. Oh wait, she's a HUGE fan and has been watching your videos since she was 9 and she REALLY looks up to you, so there will be a lot of screaming and crying at first but your used to that." She said.
"Okay Shan, thanks for that." Dan said.
"Bye!" I said, just as I was about to press end she interrupted.
"WAIT. One more thing, I nearly forgot... This is really important. She has cancer..." Me and Dan looked at each other.
"Cancer?" I repeated.
"Yeah... Please don't change your mind just because of that though..." I looked towards Dan and we communicated through eye brows.
What do you think?
I don't know, what about you?
Go ahead...
Let's do that then...
"We'll still go ahead." I said.
"Thank god!" She answered.
"Bye, text me more details for the party plans."
"I will!" And she hung up. This is happening. Me and Dan are going to be parents...
"I think I just got smacked round the face by reality... We're actually doing this..." I said to Dan. He stared into mid air, his huge round eyes sparkled with happiness. "It is Phil... It reall-" I pulled in for another kiss before he could finish the sentence. This is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco came on. "May I have this dance?" I asked happily.
"You may..." Answered Dan, taking my hand, and we waltzed around the room to Brendon Uries glorious voice.

Charlie's POV...
Shan was texting on her phone. "So your birthdays on the... 17th?"
"what date is it today?"
"Err, 14th." I answered. "Why?"
" reason." she said.i nodded slowly and raised an eyebrow.
"Shan?" Zoe walked in and beckoned her towards her, she smiled at me.
I stood by the door listening to what they were saying.
"I just got a call from you know who, they explained everything." Zoe said.
"Good, are we all okay?"
"Yeah, well done you, that's a great idea! Shall we talk about it in my office."
Why was everyone acting so suspicious...?

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