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Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sounds drained back into my head.
The sights did the same as my eyes drifted open. I blinked to gain back my full vision. I tried to sit up but pain washed over me and a warm hand grabbed my back. "Take it easy!" I layed my head back down on my pillow. Removing the oxygen mask from around my face I looked over to find Shan sitting next to me. "What happened?" I wheezed.
"You had an operation....." She said.
"An operation?"
"What for? What's wrong with me?!" I looked at her, she looked down at me. Then ran off crying, bumping into Zoe on the way making her spill coffee down her designer blazer. "Shan!" She said. " where are you going?!"
"Just leave her alone." I said closing my eyes in pain as I tried to move to a more comfortable position. "How are you?" She asked carrying the coffee that didn't spill towards me. "Fine...I guess..." I said smiling at her.
"Did Shan tell you?" She asked.
"No...." I said shaking my head."what happened?" I asked again. My head swirled with plenty of questions, but that was the one that was popping up the most. "You'll have to brace yourself...." She said squinting. As if it was her who was in pain. "When you went into the test you were In pain." She said. "But.... You were to focused on the hallucinations you were having to notice the pain." I nodded as everything came flooding back. "Until...you felt unwell.... You asked miss turner to go outside for a bit."
"I remember...." I said, shutting my eyes and squeezing out a tear.
"Yes... I thought you would. You collapsed, outside. And the bell went for break time, Tommy Marland found you, struggling for breath in the playground. They rushed you to hospital."
"And? What's wrong with me?!" I asked, beginning to cry. She sighed a worried sigh and Said "you... Y-you have cancer....."

Hey guys~
Sorry it's such a. Short chapter I kinda wanted it to be short to leave it on a cliff hanger.... Stick around for the next chapter! ~ Emma

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