Nut cases

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Charlie's POV
"Right class!" Said my new form tutor. Miss Turner I think. She was a young woman, probably in her twenties, with long brown hair tied up in a neat bun on top of her head. She was wearing a pink blouse and black skinny jeans. She had a flower bracelet wrapped carefully around her wrist and hoop earrings. "Ummm.... Charlie isn't it?" She asked.
"Yes." I said smiling.
"Would you like to come up here and I will introduce you."
"Yeah sure." Not. I got to the front of the class and miss turner clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.
"Everyone! This is Charlie, she's new here and I want you all to make her feel very, very welcome!" She said, she looked at me and nodded. I just stood there gawping like a fish, not knowing what to say. "Would you like to tell the class a little bit about yourself?" She finally asked.
"No." I said. "There's.... Nothing to tell." I lied.
"Sure there is! About your parents? How old are you? We're do you come from? Which part of London do you live in?"
"I said there's nothing to tell!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth.
"You do not speak to me like that young lady! Tell the class about yourself!" I closed my eyes and memories from over the past couple of months flashed before my eyes. I clasped my bony hands together as my heart pumped hard against my chest. I was about to explode.
"FINE!" I shouted " I'm Charlie, I'm 13 years old I'm originally from Epsom, Surrey, but I moved here when my parents abandoned me, thinking they were leaving me with my aunt Patricia, who never came. I received a phone call from my mum saying that they had been arrested. So I ended up in some grotty foster home! Were everyone inside is a total nut case!" I screamed.
Everyone stared, gawping. Tears started to well up inside Shans eyes, she stared at me in disbelief. Then got out of her chair and stormed out the class room, but everyone's eyes stayed fixed on me. I ran after her, screaming her name.
"Shan! Shan wait!" She stopped and turned around. The tears that had been gathering in her eyes were now making the long trek down the side of her face. "What?" She asked angrily.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean you, ok?"
"no it's not ok! I see it in your eyes, you hate me just as much as you hate the others in the home. Just as much a- as you hate yourself... " she stuttered.
"Y- you know that's not true Shan! Please?"
"Shut up!" She screamed "you just want me as your friend so you can meet Dan and Phil!" She yelled, and ran out the door even further.
You idiot Charlie.
I turned around and miss turner was standing there, arms folded. I ignored her and ran after Shan again. "Oh come on Shan! Please just let me explain!"
"Don't call me Shan! Only people I like can call me that!" She screamed, still running.
"Ugh! Don't you think your overeating a little bit!"
"Not really!" She screamed. I felt a cold hand grab hold of my arm as I tried to get closer to her again.
"Come with me!" Said miss turner, so I did.
Dans POV
Phil reached out and rang the doorbell, we waited patiently for someone to answer, but no one did. " look, maybe Zoe's out, we'll come back later."
"Yeah..." Phil sighed. We turned around and walking towards us was Zoe.
"Oh hi dan, hi Phil."
"Nice to know you've learnt my name at last." I murmured to myself. "Ouch!" I exclaimed as Phil trod on my foot,getting me to shut up.
"what can I help you with?" She asked smiling at us, whist having a fight with the keys in the lock. "Stupid. Bloody. UGH. there."
" are any of the kids in?" Phil asked.
"No...." Said Zoe, confused.
" right, well, we wanted to see you because.... Because....errr."
"We're interested in adopting one of the kids here." I interrupted.
"What Shan?"
"No, one of Shans friends......"
"Umm, we'll come into my office and we will have a chat, normally it will be about 6-8 months before the adoption can take place but seeing as you have had experience in child care and we know you can be trusted it should take approximately 4-5 months for you...."
"Paper work?" I asked.
"It depends the history of the child involved." She answered, getting a load of photos and paper work.
"Ok..." Said Phil. "So...umm... We know how long it will take for the process to take place but how long before the process starts?"
"Hopefully, straight away." She said raising her eyebrows.
"Really!" Said Phil, getting excited.
"Yup. I will make a meeting with the board room, should be within the next few days." She said smiling enthusiastically.

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