The final chapter

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Charlie's POV...

There was an ear piercing scream from outside, hearing it I spun round and ran outside. Shan was running out into the road and there were people gathering around something. Shans tears were enough to give the whole of Africa water. Leaving the door open in the rush, I ran out from the apartment and into the road and pushed my way through the crowd. When I managed to get to the centre, Shan was crouched down over a slumped body. Phil. "Oh my god." I said under my breath, tears pricking my eyes. I took a deep breath and took control of the situation, I wasn't going to let Phil die. His pale skin was paler than usual and his pitch black hair had fallen across his face and into his lifeless blue eyes. His arms were limp and hanging by his sides, his ankle was twisted round in a funny direction and there was a tear in his shirt which blood was seeping through. His head was cut, only small though. "Okay, Shan go get Dan and tell him what's happened. Does anyone have a phone I could borrow?"
"Here." Said a lady with dark skin and short, greasy black hair. I dialled 999.
"Hello?" Someone said from the other side of the phone.
"Hi, can I have an ambulance please." I said trying to stop the tears and steady my breathing. "Hi, my names Susan, how can I help?" Said a female voice.
"Hi, I need an ambulance, I'm down Ashton road in Islington."
"Post code?"
"KT13 9TA." I replied.
"And what's the problem?" Susan asked.
"It's my adoptive dad, he's been run over."
"Okay, hold on in there we'll be there soon. Does he have a pulse?" She asked. Holding the phone against my ear with my shoulder i checked for a pulse in his neck. Nothing. I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth. "No. No pulse." I said gulping away the lump in my throat. "Okay, we'll be there as soon as possible."
"Thanks." I hung up. I took another deep breath and carried on with my breathing, now is not a good time to have a panic attack. I thought to myself. I threaded my fingers together and gently rolled Phil onto his back and started CPR. "Can someone help me please?" I asked, looking up at the crowd of people gathering around us. Someone stepped forward. "What do you want me to do?" The man asked. He was strong, he wore a green tank top and black jeans with rips in. "I need you to put pressure on that wound." I said, pointing to the large scar on Phil's stomach. He looked lost. "Like this." I said pulling my jumper undone from around my waist and pressing it up against Phil's skin. The man nodded and did as I was doing. I carried on with CPR. "Oh my god! What happened?!" I heard dans voice, he ran towards us. There was a bunch of screams and voices yelling. "It's Dan!"
"Oh god." I mumbled under my breath, I had given up on trying not to cry now and stopped CPR. I hugged Phil's lifeless body and cried into his shoulder. "Leave me alone!" I heard Dan yell. "Oh for crying out loud!" I yelled, I pushed past the crowd and ran out to save Dan from the fangirls. "What? We only wanted to say hi." said one of them, she was tall and slim with straight hair tied up in a flawless pony tail and a bag hanging over her arm. The other girl was in floods of tears and kept trying to approach Dan for a hug. "Look, I understand it means a lot to you but this really isn't a good time!" I yelled.
"Why? What's going on? Phil got run over or something?" The tall one snorted. I gave her a dirty look and it was like she read my mind. "Oh my god." She said, a look of guilt flooding over her face. "Phil's been run over..."
"I think you should leave." Dan said quietly. They both nodded and walked away slowly leaving me and Dan to fall into each others arms. "He's going to be okay, don't worry..." Dan tried to say reassuringly. "No Dan. He's not, I tried CPR and everything but he's not breathing." There was the faint sound of a siren as the ambulance came speeding round the corner. A women in her mid 20's with long purple hair and a man in his mid 30's with black hair in a quiff both jumped out the van.

"We're sorry, we lost him..." Said the doctor. She sat opposite us with her hair in a tight bun and an ironed suit. I sharp pain pierced through my body with the news. "No! NO!" I yelled. "Hey, hey, it's alright calm down." Dan said, but his tears had finally given up hiding now as well. "Don't tell me to calm down!" Dan gripped onto my wrists and held them so I couldn't hit him, he could see how worked up I had gotten. Suddenly I started to shake violently and my arms and legs wouldn't stop trembling, I wasn't able to breath. I was having a panic attack. It lasted an hour, a whole hour. Dan tried his best to help but he wasn't in the best way himself.

As soon as we got home we discussed what was going happen, we decided to tell the fans. I went up to my room and pressed my ear against the wall so I was able to hear every word Dan was saying to the camera.
"Hello Internet. Today's video is going to be a very emotional video as I have to tell you some terrible news, I know your going to hate to hear this and most of you will need full support from your family but won't get it because they don't understand the connection you make with YouTubers, I am very sorry to tell you that earlier today my closest friend since 2009, Phil Lester, very sadly passed away." He was trying not to break but I could tell it was hard for him I could hear his voice was beginning to crack. "Im probably going to regret this." He said with a slight laugh. "But tonight I am going to do a live stream where I answer any questions about what happened earlier today if I don't answer them now, if you want support speak to your friends who understand where your coming form and don't go to someone who will pick on you for having 'a connection with someone you never knew personally' I know it's hard for all of us, especially family members at a time like this. which is why it's important to remember the phandom is a family. However it's very important that the phandom unite and become more of a family than ever. Dan and Phil games will stay up, I will do videos on my own or with Charlie and so will Phil's YouTube channel, this video will be going up on Phil's channel to just to ensure that everyone knows." I pressed my head against the wall and cried. "Now, many of you may be wondering what happened to him. Well there were a few... Family issues and Phil went out to try and sort thing when he got hit by a car at 60MPH, he had 6 broken ribs, a broken ankle, a laceration to his chest and the cause of death was a bleed in his brain. He probably wouldn't have felt much pain as I imagine he would have blacked out quite quickly and he passed away... Peacefully. That's it for today's video guys, I might not post for a while because I'm trying to get past Phil's death, I just thought you guys should know. Bye Internet." As soon as he finished, he cracked, I could hear him from my room crying and crying. So was I.

I lay in my bed trying to get to sleep as I didn't get any the night before because of everything with Phil. I slipped my hand under my pillow and tried to sleep on my hand but got distracted by something square shaped beneath my pillow. My diary. I pulled it out and looked at the cover. When I saw the text 'queen of the phandom' written on the front in pink glitter pen, I flipped. Phan is no longer a thing, the phandom is no longer a thing. Everything I have ever dreamed of destroyed by one major turning point in my life. Death. I stormed out my bedroom and into he kitchen where I threw my diary in the bin, Dan looked at me confused.
I managed to get a little bit of sleep when Dan came into my room. "Knock knock." He said gently. "Hi." I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Sorry for waking you." He said, sitting down on the side of my bed. "Charlie, how do you feel about everything at the moment? How are you holding up?" He said, his voice was hoarse from all the crying he had been doing, so was mine. "Crap." I replied.
"Because our world Dan, YOUR world has been destroyed by one event. There is no more Phan and no more phandom it doesn't exist anymore! It will all be forgotten about soon and it will just be the 'dandom'" I said crying harder than ever. "No. Charlie, Phan will never be forgotten, ever, it will always exist and it will always be in our hearts." He said. I looked up at him and let a tear roll down my cheek, he pulled something out from behind his back. "Charlie..." He said "you truly are the queen of the phandom." He finished, pressing my diary into my hands and pulling me into a hug.

I'm 23 now. Me and Dan are closer than ever and the phandom still exists, Phil will never be forgotten. I make a living out of a YouTube channel that Dan convinced me to start and I'm training to be a doctor at university. Though its kind of hard to balance both but I stop Dan procrastinating and force him to edit the videos for me. The reason I chose to be a doctor, is because when I was giving Phil CPR, even though I had almost no idea what the hell I was doing it still felt incredible. Incredible to know that in any minute I could just bring someone back from the death, help people with deaths they've experienced and injuries and illnesses. I'm now in remission for my cancer, hopefully it won't come back. I'm also still best friends with Shan. I found the people I love and my true family through pain, nothing's perfect but things always get better and without pain the less perfect you have. I mean, face it, who wouldn't want to live with a couple of derpy YouTubers?
My names Charlie, and that was my story.

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