Okay, Death Headcanons

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This is kind of just how I headcanon death stuff works:

If you die, you respawn under these conditions:

-You want to respawn

-There is no curse or spell to force permadeath

-You are not too badly injured (For example, in Monster, Python was trying to die this way, the most painful, longest, way)

If you do die, you get a penalty of sorts for a day or two. Here's a list of all the deaths I can think of. If you think of another, or have questions, just ask in comments.

-Being killed normally (By player or basic mobs): Mild fatigue

-Drowning: Shortness of breath

-Fall damage: Weakness of the knees

-Suffocation: Shortness of breath, light crushing feeling

-Starvation: Constant hunger feeling, burning energy quicker

-Burning: Constant dryness feeling, quick dehydration

-Sickness (A lot of times, when you die to sickness, you die permanently due to it being too severe): Coughing, sick feeling, fatigue

-Ender dragon, Nether wyrm, or Worldizard (Will elaborate further at a later date): Feelings of paranoia in respective dimension

-Blown up/Fireworks: General weakness, longer period of "penalty" than average

-Crushed (pretty much anvil): Crushing feeling, fatigue

-Withered away: Weakness, fatigue, wither/wither skeleton hybrids can be easier persuaded to comply to a wither's demands

-Thorns (Enchantment, cactus, and sweet berries): skin is easily punctured

-Lightning: Normally just more severe burning death, but creeper hybrids get charged, and horse hybrids/centaurs become partially see-through as well as lightning being attracted towards them.

-Magic (Commands, certain spells): None, the only death that doesn't have one.

-Falling into the Void: Hearing voices whispering in your ears, Void creatures have heightened instincts.

Some non-Minecraft deaths:

-Freezing: Constantly feeling cold, mostly just very annoying to deal with.

-Overheating: Constantly feeling uncomfortably warm.

-Bleeding: Lightheadedness and weakness.

Other Notes:

-If you die with a broken bone, it still stays broken (except for things like your spine or your skull that would put you in a death loop).

-If you die in the Hub, you are permanently dead, unless a highly powerful magical being brings you back.


Just wanted to put that out there for things to make more sense. Also, I'm saving the other bit of fluff for later. I have an idea for more ZIT.


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