a wonderful mistake

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It had been four months since the beginning of the tour and I had seen Kyle every 3 week. On the third month I visited something happened. I cheated on Tom. With Matt. I couldn't help it he was just so addictive. I hated myself for it but no matter what i did he stayed In my heart.

flashback of 3 month visit.

I made my way into the living room where Matt and Kyle sat watching tv. Kyle saw me and ran into my arms. I picked him up and cradled him in my arms As Matt came and gave me a 'Friendly' hug. Two hours later Kyle was asleep and I was In my bedroom watching TV, Matt knocked on the door and then walked in. He sat by me and held my hand in his. I looked at him and then he kissed me. I quickly broke away.


"Sky please, I need you, I need you to need me to. I love you and only you."

"Lily means nothing to you?"

"not when you're around" I smile at him.

he began undressing me and I mirrored his actions. Im sorry Tom.

End of flashback

I sat with Tom on a bench at sydney harbour. We had been sat there two hours just talking. I had just got back from visiting Kyle and Matt and I still felt horrible for what i did to Tom. I couldnt help it. Matt was my soul mate. No matter how hurt he made me feel.

"hey have you heard about Matt?" Tom quizzed me.

"no? Is he ok?" I hoped Tom hadn't found out.

"him and Lily have split. Apparantly he cheated on Lily with someone." crap crap crap. Lie Sky lie and quickly before he realises.

"that doesn't sound like Matt"

"I know, wonder if it's true"

"guess we will have to ask him."

"why not do it now?" Tom ordered me.

"why?- why can't we enjoy a date first?" He looked at me and paused for a second.

"you're right, im sorry baby, curiosity got the best of me. I just...I don't know. Had an inkling he cheated on her with...with you. I can't loose you Sky, not when I only just got you." I cuddled closer to him.

"you won't Tom. I didn't cheat on you and to be honest I don't think Matt cheated either. It will just be the tabloids making a bigger deal out of a simple break up. It's what they do." He leaned closer and kissed my cheek.

"I love you Sky"

"I love you too Tom." All of a sudden my phone started ringing. It was a Jon. I answered and there were muffled voices on the other end.

S- Hey Jon, what's up?

J- just wonderin what you are doing out so late

S- oh sorry I forgot to tell you that Tom came over to see me so we went for a walk.

J- oh right, I thought you had been kidnapped or left us or something.

S-i would never do that, I promise.

J- I trust you

S-good, i will see you tommorow Jon.

I hung up and laid back on Tom. All of a sudden i felt sick and rushed to the edge of the harbour and threw up. Tom held back my hair as i threw up.

"Don't look at me, im horrible"

"Don't say such things Sky. You will always be beautiful to me. We shouldn't of had those chicken things. They have made you ill."

We make our way back to the hotel room and i instantly push Tom on the bed.

"To show i will never leave you" We both begin to reinact the night i had with Matt. I needed to decide who i would be withand quickly. SEND IN QUESTIONS FOR THE CAST FOR NEXT CHAPTER.


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