say goodbye

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Matt's pov:

I held Kyle in my arms and held Sky's waist while we stood waiting for their plane. They were leaving to go back to America for a while and i was sure as hell going to miss them both. I felt Sky's grip on me tighten.

"hey what's wrong?"

"I never got over my fear of flying...i guess no matter how hard i tried, i was only ok when you were with me"

"Sky i promise you it will be ok and you will be with me again soon."

"i cant wait for 4 months"

"well you have to"

"but I dont want to!"

"Skylar Phillips you're the strongest woman I know. You made a life after your dad ruined and you raised a child all alone. No one can do that, well they can but probably not at the age of 17. I love you ok and soon enough we will be back together,"

"I love you" She pounced in my arms and quickly kissed me. I tightened my grip on her waist when the buzzer went off and she was told to board.

"I'll cya soon ok. Cross my hearts" I quickly kissed her one more time before letting her board the plane. I felt my heart melt as she turned and smiled at me before disappearing around the corner. I watched the plane set off and then made my way outside. Before leaving I quickly ran into WHsmiths and grabbed some sweets and took them to the till. A young girl about 19 served me and smiled.

"You're Matt Smith arnt you?"

"Yeh but don't tell anyone"

"Congratulations on getting engaged"

"How did you know?"

"Havn't you seen the newspapers, everyones crying because they know you're taken."

"No I havn't"

"wait just one second." She walked from behind the counter and over to the other side of the shop before returning with a newspaper I her hand.

"Right that's £2.50 please. Dont worry about paying for the magazine i've sorted it"



"Thanks Sarah, have a good day yeh"

"Oh Matt. You don't know if theres any auditions for doctor who coming up do you?"

"Yes go to the bbc studios at 3'45 on Monday the 10th of December. Say Matt told me to come and then say he told me to say blue moon."

"ok thanks"

I nodded and then headed out to my car. When I climbed in I didn't start tje engine up, instead I looked at the front cover of the magazine


You're all probably as confused as we are. Matt had only recently split up from Daisy lowe and is now engadged. What's going on Matt. Why so fast?.
Skylar was also seen with a young boy I her arms boarding a plane. Hopefully soon all our questions will be answered and you the public can ask some yourself. Matt will be on the Craig Ferguson show in 4 month. Prepare for then whovians of the world.

I laughed, running my fingers through my hair. Me and sky really had alot to clear up. But we were going to to do everystep of the way...together. read authors note

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Yeyy first chapter on the sequel. How are we liking it then. Any questions for the cast comment and they will answer in the next chapter.

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