Hormones, hormones and did i mention hormones?

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It's been a month since i found out im expecting a child and i still darn't go to the doctors to find out who the father is. Even if i did i wouldn't know how to tell them both.

"Sky, your Q and A starts in five minutes. Come on" Chloe yells.

"I don't want to go on stage" i face plant the sofa in my little side room in the comic con venue and cover my face.

"Sky, will you please get up.?"

"Urgh fine" i stand up and get out the door. The stage door opens and i walk on stage. All my fans cheer and i smile and wave at the odd few.

"I love you Sky" Can be heard all around.

"Hi guys, thank you for turning up to see me today. I apologise if im abit moody. I havn't had much sleep."

"Awwwww" i laugh and the con begins.

"Sky, is it true you're with Tom Hiddleston?"

"Yes that is true" she cheers and sits down.

"Sky, what do you plan on doing next?"

"Well, i have another new album coming in June next year called Solo. Also for you super hero fans out of there i have been asked to be a character in the new Thor film and she has a really intresting love intrest." All the fans scream.

Suddenly a little girl about nine gets up with her i think dad holding her hand.

"Hello Skylar. Im Katie. I am your biggest fan. What is your favourite song that you wrote?"

"Aww you are so adorable. My favourite song i wrote would have to be...erm...oh god i don't know. What's yours?"

"Leave me in peace."

"Oh good choice. Yes i like that one. Thats my new favourite."

"Thank you"

"You're very welcome sweetie"

The panel went on and when it was over i started thinking about Katie. I didn't care who the kid belonged to as long as i had the kid in my life.

"Photo time" Chloe let fans in one after the other and eventually it was over. I walked out and towards the car.


I turned around to see Katie running towards me.

"I missed the photos by five minutes. Can i please have one with you. It's my last chance."

"Of course you can Katie"

I knelt down next to Katie and we both had a photo that her dad took. She then turned and hugged me.

"My last wish to meet you was a dream come true"

"You made my day today sweetie. I hope you know that."

"You made mine too"

I hugged her again and whispered in her ear.

"Can you keep a secret?" She nodded excitedly.

"Im going to be having another baby."

"Really?" She shouted.

"Yes. Now i don't know what it will be yet but as soon as i find out in four months i will send your dad a message"

"Sky can i have a word?" Her dad butted in. I nodded and walked over to him.

"Katie doesn't have four month left to live. She's very ill and this was something she wanted to do for a year or so. Me and her mum thought it would be nice to make her last few months special and something she wanted to do was meet you. So we made it happen."

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