18 years later

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"I'll help mum" Katie called down the stairs. She came down and i took a moment to see how much she had grown. She had long, black hair. Sparkling green eyes and she was everything i wished for and more.

"Thank you sweetie. Your father is too distracted with your brothers. Oh and happy birthday."

"Thanks Mum."

"So, while i was at the shop i bought you a few things. Come get the bags and we will have a look"

Matt and the boys came running out and grabbed some of the bags.

"Be careful there is food in there for the party."

"Yes mum" Klous replied

"Yes mum" Kyle shouted

"Ok beautiful" Matt kissed my cheek and everyone pretended to be sick.

"Kyle...you can't say anything, you have a child on the way."

"Yeh but it's wierd when my parents do it" i laughed and closed the car. Everyone sat in the room. Matt held my hand tightly in his. His hair had all been shaved off. His mucles were to die for as well.

Klous sat fiddling on his phone. He had brown long hair and a bit of stubble. Not too much. He was very tall and his gilfriend Caroline was very pretty. She would be round later.

Kyle stood smiling proudly at his girlfriend who was rubbing her seven month stomach. Kyle waited until after marriage to have a child and they are now living in a small house in London. Kyle and Klous are both in a band called Seven minutes of heaven. Klous is the singer and Kyle is the guitarists. Katie has become an actress like me. She has the voice of an angel and has recently just finished performing as christine, in phantom of the opera (broadway) and Epione in Les Miserable.

"Mum...can i talk to you?"

"Of course sweetie." Katie dragged me into the kitchen.

"Mum...i need to tell you something. I don't know how you will react."

"Katie, don't be afraid. You can tell me anything"

"Mum...i think im in love"

"Awww thats great sweetie"

"Mum...i think im in love...with my teacher..."

And that is the end. Thank you to all who read and favourited and commented. If you want more stories go on my wall. There is many. Thank you and goodbye.

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