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Robert Downey Junior is what Sky's dad looks like by the way.

"SKYYYYYY WAKE UP" I shoot up right in my bed and see Tom next to me, looking worried.


"Are you ok. I was waiting outside your door when I heard you scream. I had to climb through the kitchen window. Its bloody tiny and hard i'll tell you that"

"It was just a nightmare, thanks for worrying though."

"No you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really. I dont wanna burden you with my problems"

"well im always here" Tom smiled and then got up. I quickly followed by getting Kyle out of bed. Tom goes to wait downstairs while i get myself and kyle dressed.

I slip on some skinny jeans and a dark blue comfy hoodie that I bought In London. I put Kyle in a blue shirt and some jeans with his baby converse on. It's weird to think my little man is nearly 4. I hear my phone ringing and look at the caller iD. Talia.



"like a month ago"

"The media is going mental and so are all your fans..."

"Im gunna check...come round and I will tell you what's happened"

"ok but you better order food or make some because Ben wont make me anything"

"Im not your slave Dear"

"Of corse you are Ben"

"Ok buy guys cya soon"

I laugh as I put the phone twitter is full of notifications from fans.

@mylittleponykiller- Since when have Matt and my number 1 hero been a thing. I dont know whether to ship it or not.

I laugh at that and favourite it. I then continue to scroll

@purpleunicorns- I ship Matey so bad. They are my otp.

@charliehowards- Sky keep your hands of Matt, he's mine.

@Lokiismyhero-  Actually @charliehowards Matt's @Skylarphillips so you keep your hands off.

I retweeted lokiismyhero's tweet as she was extremely sassy. I love sassy people. Tom had gone home when I told him about Talia coming round. I felt awfull but I needed some alone time before they came. Kyle sat happily playing build a tower and then knock it down. I continued to scower the internet.

Matt smith and Skylar Philips.

A load of information came up.

Skylar and Matt a match In heaven

The popstar and the actor

Teacher and student relationship.

I clicked on the link that read Teacher and student relationship. Images of me and Matt back when we were together came up.

Hi Im Ebony. I was Skylar's best friend back when we were in high school and she would always tell me about how she loved Mr Smith (Matt) Then at this place they hooked up and got together, It was amazingly cute. Then he got her pregnant and the police took him away and they were pulled apart from each other. :( So yeh now you know the truth...Sky ust to be Matt's pupil.

That two faced, lying cow. How dare she do that. How did she even know. My phone rang again and this time it was my dad. Again.

"Go away, you ruined my life and I dont know how you got this number but if you phone it again.  I will have you arrested"

"I really dont think you will"

"What do you mean by that"

"If you don't end it with Matt, your son wil be taken from you. He was conceived by illegal precautions so there for you are not legal parents."

"no dad you're not taking my son away"

"I am if you dont end it with Matt and marry someone who isnt the fathers child"

"You're making this up"

"I dont make things up about the law."

"Please dont do this"

"I'll put it simple for you. Finish Matt, Marry someone who isnt the father. Keep Kyle.

Donr finish Matt, Marry the father. Lose Kyle. You have 1 week to make your decision. "

"Does Matt get to see Kyle.?"

"No. Kyle will grow up thinking the man you WILL marry is his dad. And if you dont. You will never see your son again."

sorry it's short. 8 votes for next chapter. Tell me what you think is going to happen.

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