No consequences

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Y/n's pov

I sat down for breakfast with the Slytherins trying to forget what had just happened. I released my anger like I was taught to... so fuck the consequences. His body was still on the floor, nobody moved as they were all in shock. The only sound that echoed throughout the great hall was the sound of me pouring my morning orange juice. Not even the teachers moved, everyone seemed like they were in some kind of dream state, like they wished that what they had witnessed wasn't real. The silence broke with the sound of McGonaggles voice.

"Y/n Genevieve Merl-Bianc-Mal-Rid-"
"Professor, honestly I know I have a lot of last names to choose from, but please make your mind up. I'm fine with anyone of them but .... I mean legally I'm a Riddle so maybe you should stick with that one."

I made my way out of the room and she closed the door on us both. "Y/n... I trusted you with your powers, I taught you how to control them. I thought that despite your troubled past, you could be trusted."
"Professor... you can trust me." I lied
"You just killed a student. What Pucey did was despicable, but if you talked to me, we could have figured this out with no blood spilt. He would have been expelled and have had a ministry trial. Riddle you have took this to far this time, I do hope you don't end up being a mirror of your father."

"I am nothing like that selfish bastard-"
"We both know that is not true, I am not mad... just a little disappointed. I thought that the training was helping you control your anger but obviously not. I feel pity for what happened to you last night, but that is still no excuse. Some may find this a blessing, but I don't want you attending classes for the rest of the week. I will be monitoring your emotions beforehand."
"I'm sorry Professor... it was just instinct."
"I know you have no control, but do you know how much paperwork I have to fill out! I presume that Filch has already moved the body by now so go and inform you friends about your situation. You are lucky that your are a favourite of mine... oh so lucky."

I was in the dorm room for the whole day, isolated from lessons I was confined in my room during lesson hours. Unless the others were out of classes or I was at private training session. So for now I waited on the bed for Draco to come. It was weird how I miss him, I don't normally miss people. I am always happy on my own, Pansy says that I'm just antisocial but I always reply with... you should be glad that I am confident in my own company and I am an independent person that doesn't need to cling onto someone else for a false sense of security. But with Draco it's different, I crave the time that we spend together and cherish the special moments between us. I miss the way he talks and how easy it is for him to make me blush. Just thinking of him makes me want to go crazy and roll one my bed giggling like one of them girls from a cheesy 2000s movie.

Just on cue he walked though the door and sat beside me on the bed. "You really need to stop killing people sweetheart."
"Really? The first thing you say!"
"Well I just don't want you to get locked up for going batshit crazy!"
"They could try to lock me up.... My amazing boyfriend would find a way to get me out of it."
"Amazing boyfriend? That a change normally it's something like, dickhead, asshole or manwhore but I will definitely take amazing boyfriend! You just have really missed me."
"You have no idea."

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