Why are you doing that?

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Breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Especially to Minho since he teaches dance for up to 8 hours. He only taught the younger kids for classes, he didn't have enough energy to deal with teenagers and their attitude. Plus Hyunjin and Felix were there with him it made things way easier.

"Hey son, you wanna go wake up sung? The food is almost done." Currently Minho was staying at his moms place for now. Jisung was doing that same, he lived with his parents. But here and there jisung would come over to be with Minho. They've both been working extra and saving up for a small apartment for them to share.

Minho softly laid next to his boyfriend who was still sound asleep. His cheek was pressed against the pillow causing his lips to be slightly parted.

A smile appeared on Minhos face, jisung was beautiful even when he was sleeping. "Baby?" He poked his cheek hoping it'll wake up the other.

"Baby, wake up. Mom made breakfast." Minho moved the bangs covering his lovers face. He then leaned in and kissed his forehead.

At this point jisung was slowly but surely waking up. His eyes slowly opened and closed again.

"Good morning sleepy head."

Jisung smiled back at Minho. "Morning."

The two walked over to the kitchen after jisung washed up. Minhos mother was already sitting down with dori on her lap.

"Morning sungie. Did you sleep well?"
The elder lady put on a gentle smile as she saw jisung appear behind her son.

"Yes, I did. Thank you for breakfast. You didn't have to I could've ate when I got home."

Minho mother shook her head. "No, I like it when you eat with us. It's makes me happier to feed another person besides my son."

Jisung laughed as she eyed her son who was busy petting Soonie. He really loved them both, jisung hated saying this, but he felt much more loved here than at home. His parents make him feel uncomfortable sometimes. They don't really comment on his weight or looks, they just look at his disgusted from time to time.

Jisung understood why. He used to be so thin and pretty, but he kinda lost himself at some point. He gain weight . He was no longer pretty in their eyes anymore. He wasn't something he's parents could brag about or show off. They keep him hidden now when people come over for work.

Todays breakfast was kimchi pancakes ( i search this up. Sorry I really don't know what they eat) with a side of fruit.

Jisung looked at the pancake and started to spilt them in half. He wanted to see if he'd eat slow enough and mainly the fruit that he would get full.
He's thought about cutting down on the amount of food starting with breakfast.

Minho was finishing up his last of his pancakes when he noticed jisung weirdly cutting his pancakes into smaller pieces. He watched his boyfriends eye his food carefully as if he was counting the pieces

"What are you doing?" Minho said as jisung started to move half of the cut pancake to the side of his plate.

"Oh, I- I was just separating it. You know if I got full." Jisung tried explaining but even his lie wasn't enough to trick him.

"Sung.... "

"I know, I know. I'll finished it. " Jisung began to eat again. This time, he was a little less tense.

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