Bad days

144 5 10

9:45 pm

Felix still wasn't home.

Changbin looked away from his phone, specifically the text message 'is everything okay?' that he had sent Felix an hour ago. He was suppose to get out of work at 6:30, he should've been home already.

Dinner was already cold, the grilled meat wasn't steaming anymore. Neither was the soup changbin spent a couple hours on. Felix's side of the table was empty, his chopsticks and spoon was placed perfectly down ready to be used. But Felix wasn't  here.

Changbin sat on his side with his food untouched as well. His leg was bouncing up and down constantly, his thoughts weren't helping the situation.

'What if Felix got hurt?'

'What if Felix passed out during work?'

Changbin tried to remember if Felix ate that morning. He didn't, he woke up late and rushed to leave. Changbin ran his hand through his hair, softly pulling it. He looked at his boyfriends contact and pressed the phone button.

The anxiety in his body wasn't getting any better as the phone continued to ring. Bin got up and paced back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. The call went to voicemail.

Changbin couldn't help it anymore, he quickly put on his jacket and got his keys. He pressed call again as he got ready to run out, but the sound of the gentle ringtone on the other side of the door stopped him. He watched the door unlock and his boyfriend walk in. The phone in his hand was still ringing.

"Where were you?" Changbin sounded frustrated. He didn't mean to sound like that, but when your boyfriend doesn't answer you for a couple hours it's worrisome.

Felix didn't answer, he just looked up at his boyfriend then back at his feet. "Don't worry."

It took everything in changbin to not break down. Don't worry. That's all changbin did. The older just nodded, accepting the younger's answer. He wasn't going to stress himself of his boyfriend any more. All bin wanted to do was sit down and eat dinner.

"I... I made dinner." Changbin reached out gently helping Felix take off his backpack and his jacket. "You don't have to eat everything, just a little."

'I'm not hungry." Felix looked at his boyfriend tiredly.

Changbin heart sunk, he knew Felix was lying. "Just a little, please Felix." Changbin placed his hands on his boyfriends cheeks. His freckles stood out more due to how pale he was. "Please."

"I'm not hungry bin." Felix raised his voice a little more. He removed his boyfriend's hands.

"Lixie.." the older tried to look at his boyfriend in his eyes, but Felix kept avoiding him. He didn't care that his food wasn't being eaten, all he cared about was Felix getting something in his stomach. "I made the soup you like. You know, the one with the chicken and the-"

"I don't care!" Felix finally broke. "Im not hungry. I'm not going to eat!" The freckled boys voice cracked at the end. Tears were already rolling down his cheeks.

Changbin flinched when his boyfriend yelled at him. But when Felix looked at him, he couldn't help but feel that he pushed him too much. He tries so hard to make sure Felix is recovering well, but he never really knows when's he's pushing lix too much.

"Oh..okay, okay. That's okay." Changbin felt his chest tighten as felix sobbing was only getting worse. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry." Now the older could feel his own tears running down, but he quickly wiped them away. He was the reason behind all the stress on Felix to eat, he shouldn't be the one crying.

You're beautiful, just the way you are जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें