Ice cream

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"Hey babe, do we still have ice cream?" Felix yelled from the living room. He was currently watching the new horror movie jisung had recommend.

I know, Felix hates horror movies. He rather much watch a cartoon or some new drama, but jisung was happy when he explained to Felix about it. So he decided to give it a chance, and if things go wrong... changbin won't be sleeping tonight.

"Yeah, I bought you a new one. It's in the freezer." Changbin walked into the hallway and towards the living room.

"Oh okay, thanks!" Lix got up quickly and walked over to their kitchen. The fridge was decorated with pictures from highschool and from now. Also drawings from changbins niece were hung up.

Felix took his eyes off the drawings and opened the freezer taking out his brownie ice cream. He then grabbed a spoon and opened the container to taste it. The familiar flavor brought a smile to the freckled boy's face.

But as he took another spoon full, he remembered something. The nutrition label in the back. The calories....

Maybe he should just put it back, he's already eaten 3 meals today. Ice cream is usually high in calories.

This was always one of Felix's fear foods, but as he slowly recovered, he learned to love ice cream again. Especially the brownie one changbin introduced him to.

Felix turned the container around already preparing to see the worst.

He was ready to beat himself up for eating this high calorie dessert. For letting himself eat this happily.

But they weren't there. The calories section was drawn on with a black marker. The other sections were also drawn on.

Nothing could be read, except the small writing at the bottom that said 'Enjoy! Eat well lix!'

Felix put down the container and his spoon and walked over to the pantry. There he turned every box and container around to the nutritional label.

The calories were always blacked out or cut out.

"Babe, why are we watching a horror movie. Me and you both know we aren't going to sleep after this." Changbin walked into the kitchen looking at Felix.

"You're something else bin" Felix grabbed his container of ice cream and walked towards the older. "And I love you for that." The younger kissed his boyfriends cheek. "Come on, let's go watch the movie. Jisung said it was good!"

Felic pulled the older to the living room sitting him down.

From there they watched the whole movie. And in the end they regretted it, because now they had to have a light on to sleep.

"Hey bin, thanks for... the calorie thing."

"You're welcome, you're doing well lix. I'm so proud of you." Changbin pulled the younger closer, covering him a little more with the blanket. "So so so so proud"

"Thank you...Binnie "

Good night/good afternoon/ good morning!
I've always wanted someone to color out the calories for me when I struggled with my eating . I'm doing better now, don't worry.
And I'm always proud of you for trying your best every day. I know it's rough, but let's continue to fight. Rest well, and eat happily 💕

~Neveah 🫂

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