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"Min your phone is ringing again."

Minho looked over at Hyunjin then at his phone which was laying on the ground next to his duffel bag. The screen was illuminated, displaying a photo. Minho sighed, he couldn't answer right now, he was currently busy with his last session of students for the day. But things weren't going so smoothly, so Minho didn't have time for a break right now. His students, his job, came first.

"Leave it." The was nothing more the older could do, he call the person back later.

"Oh... okay." Jin walked away from the phone and back to his group of students. He looked up at the clock at the very back of the room


It had been long a day for all three of them. Starting at 8:00 am and ending this late wasn't the best thing sometimes.

"Okay, one more time from the top!" Minho yelled, getting everyone attention. You could see the sweat covering the olders back from the damp shirt when he walked over to turn the music on. His body was moving all sluggish. Tiredness was finally kicking in. Hyunjin looked over to his side watching Felix helping students set up. But you'll be blind if you couldn't notice how the freckled boy wasn't doing well either. Felix looked like he was going to pass out if he stood up any longer.

One more time... that's all.
It's always one.....more..... time.


"I'm home.." Minho said to himself thinking his mom was already asleep. It was passed 11 when the dancer finally got home. He had waited for changbin to pick up felix, since the younger wasn't feeling to good to walk home.

They have the next two days off, which hopefully is enough to recover.

Minho walked further into the living room, ignoring the person who was sound asleep on the couch. The kitchen light was still on.

"Son?" Ms lee looked up from her phone when her son stepped into the kitchen.

"Mom? What are you doing up?" Minho placed his backpack down and walked over to the fridge to grab a water bottle.

"We were waiting for you. I didn't know you were working today.." Ms. Lee got up and walked over to the microwave. She pulled out a plate. "You want me to warm up the leftovers while you wash up?"

Minho nodded. "Thank you."

The dancer left the room and went to quickly wash up. His phone was still in his bag, probably dead by now.

The shower was quick, Minho just wanted to eat and fall asleep. He walked back out with a towel still around his neck. His hair was still dripping, but he felt refreshed.

His mom was back to sitting down, but now with a plate in front of her. She watched as her son sat down and started to dig in.

"Did they Call you and the boys to come in today?"

Minho looked at his mom, taking his eyes off his plate. He quickly swallowed his food and replied. "Yeah, it was last minute. But they promised to pay more this upcoming check."

Ms Lee just nodded in response.

The house was quiet. Soonie and the other were even asleep already. But it was quiet enough to hear the soft moaning coming from the living room.

Minho stopped what he was doing and looked over to the dark room. "Mom.... Is someone else here?"

The mother quickly noticed the fear in her sons voice. "It's jisung, don't worry."

"Jisung?" Minho quickly got up and walked over to the living room. He turned on the nearest lamp to see better.

And there he was, his boyfriend was cuddled up into a ball wearing one of his hoodies. His cheek was pressed against the pillow, making his mouth open a little.

"When did he get here?" Minho whispered as he sat down next to the younger boy.

"6:00, he said he was going to work on a essay with you."

Minho froze.


"He was waiting for you, but he started to get a headache. So he decided to lay down, and eventually fell asleep." Ms lee picked up her sons plate and placed it into the sink, leaving the dishes for another day.

"Damn it. I promised to help him. It just slipped my mind." Minho gently brushed  jisung's bangs to the side and placed his hand on his forehead checking for a fever. "How did I forget..."

Ms lee walked up to her son placed her hand on his back. "It's okay hun, jisung would understand."

Minho pulled his hand away and placed it on his lap. His boyfriend was a little warm, but nothing to worry about.

"Take jisung to your room. It's getting late, you two should sleep." Ms lee leaned down and kiss her son's forehead. "Good night baby. I'll be in my room in you need anything. Love you."

"Love you too." Minho gently smiled at his mother before she walked away towards her room.

The dancer looked back at his boyfriend and sighed. "I'm sorry." It wasn't like jisung could hear him, the boy was probably on his tenth dream by now. Minho got up and carefully placed his arms under jisungs legs and back. His easily picked him up and made his way to his room.

He laid his sleeping boyfriend down on the bed. He placed the thin comforter over him before placing another blanket on top.

After getting Jisung snuggled in, Minho did the same to himself. And like always, jisung slowly found his way closer to Minho.

Minho quickly noted that he'll have to treat jisung to whatever he wants to make up for today. Min had been the one complaining that they needed to spend more time together, but then is the one not showing up.

The older male let out one last heavy sigh before placing his arm around his younger's waist. He'll worry about this more later on, his body was tired.
He should probably sleep.

How is everyone doing? I hope you're all doing well, resting well, and staying healthy 💕. Thank you for reading!

(This book really doesn't have a plot, right? 😞 Hopefully I'm not losing you all." )

Sending love your way 🫂
~Nevaeh 💞

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