Chapter 24 Yokai

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It was another Monday and here I was stuck at another council meeting. At less, this one was interesting as we were getting to pick out everyone's costumes for the hunted house. The school festival was being held this Saturday. Since the plans for the haunted house were being handled by builders provided by the school all we had to worry about was our costumes. We decided to base all the monsters on different Japanese Yokai. Youkai are different monsters or urban legends that are passed along in stories.

"So who should be the Oni(a demon)?" Rengoku asked

"Sanemi" Giyuu and I said in unison which made me laugh I even saw Giyuu smile slightly before returning to his stoic look

"You two think you're fucking funny" Sanemi said as he glared at Giyuu and me

"You do have to agree it is a good fit" Shinobu commented

Rengoku nods his head in agreement "Yes good idea so who's next"

"I would like to be a Kitsune," Shinobu said

I crocked my eyebrow looking at her strangely "Aren't those the female foxes who transform into a beautiful woman to kill and eat men"

"They only eat the men's livers" Shinobu bluntly explained

"Sounds good," Rengoku said ending with a nervous chuckle

We went around the table so everyone could pick out what they wanted to be. Giyuu picked a Kappa which is some water monster that likes to drown kids. Rengoku chose to be an Okuri-Inu which is the Japanese version of a werewolf. Muichiro had us choose for him I thought it would be cute if he was a Tengu even if cute wasn't what we were going for I wanted to see it. Mitsuri almost cried when she was forced to be Kuchisake who is a female Yokai with a permanent smile cut into her face. This Yokai apparently goes up to people and asks if she is beautiful and if they agree she makes their faces like her but if they disagree then she kills them. Everyone else Yokai I didn't know much about but I had planned to go home and read up on them.

"What about you Y/n who do you want to be?" Mitsure asked

I hadn't been thinking of myself and I wasn't even sure who I could be. Instead of trying to think of one myself I just asked for suggestions "I am not sure I am open up to anyone's idea"

"Yuki-Onna" Sanemi quickly said as I finished my sentence

"Great idea" Rengoku agreed

"Who's that," I asked

Mitsuri seemed so eager to explain the Yokai to me "She is supposed to be a beautiful woman who appears during snow storms and she sucks the life out of men with her icy kiss. You would play her perfectly"

"A beautiful woman that seems like you would play her better Mitsuri" I retorted

Mitsuri placed both her hand on her face as she was blushing deeply. I could feel the daggers Obanai was staring at me.

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