Hell Night

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It was already late past everyone's bedtime. As, nobody really paid any attention to the clock that was about almost 11pm or the earthquake that will have the people and the staff members talk next morning.

Emmy was walking with Carolina in the girls hallway to their room that they shared. When curiosity killed the cat, Emmy was sneaking glances at Elias who hadn't moved a single inch from where he was, not even looking up at the pace Emmy and Carolina were going.

His head faced down, limbs spread out, and legs bent to the point where his knees touched the surface of the cafeteria floor. So much for the boy who thought everyone loved him.

When Carolina began to speak, "I'm so proud of what you did back there." She slightly turns to face Emmy to support her proud best friend moment as for Emmy, she was a little worried about Elias's mental state but she couldn't deny Carolina's gratitude.

"It seems like I waited years just for that to be let out." She sighs with her shoulders.

"It's like the play never existed." The horrifying play that split the friendship in half but solely created better ones in the end.

Carolina lets out her hand to reach for Emmy's as she still kept her eyes latched onto her, "Come on, we have to be around for the talk of the terrible Valentine's day event and the crazy earthquake tomorrow morning!" Running in and Emmy closing the door behind them.

Carolina and Emmy switched out their clothes for their pajamas, contributing to their daily night ritual. The only light source outside was the brightest hallway light shining underneath every girl's room door.

The roommates eventually fell to cuffing their pillows and covering themselves with their blankets with the door locked, the window closed, and their fan put away because the weather was cooler at night with their alarm clocks alerted for 6am class tomorrow.

They both had their uniforms and shoes ready on hand, like Carolina had hers perfectly folded on her nightstand as it goes for Emmy too.

Near, 11:30 to 11:40pm. Emmy and Carolina heard the sounds of what seemed to be high-heeled shoes and a loud scream and then, someone getting slammed to the end of the hallway that caused another ruckus.

They weren't even that asleep but the first one to notice was Emmy, "Carolina, did you hear that?"

"Hear what." Carolina responded like this sleep is really well-needed, Emmy.

"I think I heard running, of high heels and a scream and someone getting slammed to a wall."

"It's probably an intruder or someone who's just not suppose to be in the building. Go back to sleep, we'll deal with it tomorrow. We have the door locked."

Emmy was a little disappointed at Carolina's selfishness, "Carolina." Yet, as soon as she repeated her name. There were more screams than, just that one with someone opening their door and closing it. The chaos began to start.

Murderous ones, pleads of help, and little noises of sounding like people were dying and choking on their own blood or hurting by their own injury. All in a matter of seconds.

Hearing this, actually caused Carolina to shoot up and pay attention to what Emmy was implying as she turns to face her in terror in the darkness of their room. Emmy could see Carolina's eyes beginning to burst.

"I don't think we should sleep on this one." Emmy says, turning to Carolina and then, to the door.

"Are you thinking what I don't want to think?" Carolina sighs. She was hesitant about her idea because she was also tired but she knew if her and Emmy didn't check whatever just happened, they weren't going to sleep tonight. And if anything, Emmy wanted to do. She would join no matter what even if a little bit of calming her down won't do such justice in a situation like this.

Emmy responds, "Yea, we should check this out. I think I just heard Sister Greta."

"Okay, if we check this out and end up dying. Your family is paying for my funeral too." In a figment of constant whispering, they got out of their unmade bed and to get prepared to put back on their church uniforms like what this is might last until they start school or even if they'll have school the following day.

"Should we get a weapon or act like our bodies are shields?"

"Are you going to take this seriously or what?!"

"A little sense of humor can make this situation a lot more better than, feeling a little trapped."

Emmy and Carolina were right at the door on the verge of bickering at each other. Carolina thought she was such a comedic genius in this strange predicament while, Emmy was just sick of the jokes and actually wanted to get on with it.

Took them 20 minutes to put on their outfit of the day again and another 20 minutes to find a weapon.

"What should we take?" Carolina asks, on her side of the room. She didn't really have much to go for besides, her lamp.

Emmy doing the same thing, "Anything that's durable." Eventually, their main focus was on their given night lamp. Other than Carolina who took out the shower hook to hold with her free hand from their bathroom. Meanwhile, Emmy took her straightener.

And in a watchful formation, Carolina was protecting herself on one side while Emmy was on the other as they slowly unlock the knob and shakily head out the door.

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