Knocking on The Devil's Door

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It was straight out of a horror movie scene, literally...

Some of the girls in the hallway had their bodies laid out in areas of where Emmy and Carolina were located. Massive amounts of blood sprayed across the walls, some of which were stepping into piles of them.

Emmy was beyond horrified that she wanted to scream as she wanted to cry, She wondered how someone so sadistic had the opportunity to do this while, Carolina tried to remain calm in all of this as they switched their emotions. But she knew for a fact, that she was afraid of how this situation is going to turn out. Even if a paid funeral for two wouldn't hurt.

But the cherry on top, it was Sister Greta. Her corpse was turned upside down with her hands spread out to resemble an upside down cross. It can't be a human being who had done this.

Emmy gasped and slammed her widen mouth with her hand, "Oh my god." her eyeballs getting ready to fall out of their sockets, turning her back to see Sister Greta's lifeless state alongside Carolina.

They were whimpering, breathing in heaving breaths. Trying to keep their movements at a slow pace.

"Sister Greta?" Carolina's eyes were wide as how far it can spread.

And they walked to her, spotting that her hands and ankle were struck by knives. Someone or something had slashed her throat slowly, the blood was dripping. She was trying hard to gasp for any air that was left.

Emmy and Carolina had laid their weapons near them to take the knives out and save Sister Greta.

"Sister Greta, hold on okay! We're going to get you out of here." Emmy's throat was stuck in between sobs and snot. She was trying to remain calm alike Carolina but as much as she could on her own.

It wasn't working.

Carolina tried to nudge the knife out of one of her wrists, yet she couldn't and it was almost like it was so induced into the bone. She was unable to, "Emmy, I can't. The knife is so into her bone. There is no way we can get it out."

"Well, try the other one, Carolina. We have to get her out of here fast!" Emmy joined Carolina as well and eventually, she realized she was right. Trying all the other ones that were on there, They couldn't get her out of here.

But, to Emmy's curiosity. She wanted to ask Sister Greta something because she was still alive and breathing for the amount of time she had, "Sister Greta? Who did this?" She whispered.

Carolina followed pursuit with her in bending down to the level of where her head was. Her hand rested on the wall beside her body.

So, when Sister Greta got the courage to say something after, a few longing minutes. It came out in a whisper and a rasp, steadily, "Run." Was all she said before, she left with the fear in her eyes.

The person who was so secretly in love with one of her students has died.

Emmy and Carolina looked at each other like they didn't know what they were looking for. Most of their classmates were dead and it was going to be a long fucking night to even find out.

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