(Preference) them buying you a self-care/beauty product

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-You texted him to pick you up some face masks from the store

-he brought back an avocado mud mask and a moisturizing lavender and thyme mask but 2 of each so he could do them with you

-his treat<3

-really excited to put them on


-you asked him to buy you lip gloss 

-he said no<3

-but bought you some anyways

-he presented it to you proudly

-"you can only have it if you kiss me after you use it, its strawberry flavored"


-he was told to get you an eyelash curler

-he was so stressed at the store because he didn't know what the hell that was

-spent almost an hour looking until he finally asked an employee

-didn't tell you about his struggles in finding it 

-still doesn't know what it does


-he tried to buy you purple shampoo that makes your hair lighter like you asked

-brought back purple hair dye

-"Is this what you wanted?!" 

-you don't have the heart to tell him so you say yes

-really happy with himself

-he finds out and feels horrible, you dye your hair with it to make him feel better 

-also you look fire with purple hair


-I had to save tampons for him

-when he's in checkout the employee asks who they are for

-he gets embarrassed and says "my girlfriend..."

-the employee convinces him to buy chocolate for you so he does

-he eats some of the chocolate before giving it to you

Jack Manifold:

-hair ties(cuz he's bald. idk)

-buys you like five packs lol

-asks to put one in your hair

-does a pretty good job but you have to re-do it

till next time lovers

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