Pt 2: One Bed Two People (Quackity)𓅭

65 2 9

Type: fluff

TW: alcohol consumption


The next morning you were alone in bed with the sun peaking through the window shades. you stumbled out of bed and downstairs where you found Alex in the small cafeteria. There were four wooden tables with three chairs around each. Alex was sitting at one of them gobbling down an iced cinnamon roll. There were only a few other people downstairs, including one of the owners. The old man was frying bacon on a stovetop. He glanced up when you descended the stairs.

"Good morning! Hope you slept well. My wife is out working on your car. I'll be out to help her after I'm done with this bacon here. In the meantime please help yourself to some breakfast."

"Oh, thank you so much! I slept great and breakfast smells amazing." You smiled at him and began to pile food onto your plate.

"Hey, this food, fucking amazing," Alex said as you shuffled to his table and sat down in the chair next to him.

"Fuck yeah," you said digging into a fluffy pancake.

"You ready for today?" You asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." He said with a grin.

You didn't mention how the two of you had practically been cuddling the night before or how you had gotten a shit ton of butterflies.

Alex seemed to be over it. The fighting, the one-bed situation, everything.

Your car was road-ready in no time and after a hearty tip and grateful farewells, you and Alex were headed towards the Streamer awards.

You arrived at your friend Sami's house at 3:50. She had agreed to let you guys stay the night at her place. She owned a mansion and was hosting a small after-party with some close friends once the Awards event was over. You knew most of the people well.
Tommy and his girlfriend Molly who you adored, Tubbo, Tina, Aimsey, etc.

You and Alex actually had a lot of mutual friends which was super cool and you loved them to death. The fact that all of you basically bonded over Minecraft was the embarrassing half of it.

You squeezed Sami tightly when she stepped outside to greet you.

"Hiiii!" She exclaimed. She too was a "gamer" and was close with a few of the popular streamers. She never pursued a career in streaming or content herself though.

"I'm so glad you guys are here!" She said excitedly as she went to hug Alex.

Immediately after putting down your bag in your guest room, you rushed to Sami's master bathroom to get ready.
You had about an hour before the event and a lot to do.

You shuffled through her makeup and skincare using whatever you wanted. Sami and you had always shared things and now since she was rich and had like every designer makeup brand, you were fully taking advantage of that aspect of your friendship.

Forty minutes later you had on your outfit and a full face of makeup not including lipstick.

You held up two Dior lipsticks to your face and gazed in the mirror trying to decide between the two.

"Ohhhh definitely the darker red," Alex said appearing behind you in the mirror.

You smiled and put down the other lipstick.

"I'm excited for tonight. I hope you get an award."

Quackity chuckled lightly.

"You're the one who looks like they are about to get an award," he said.

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