(Preference) Babysitting with them

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-him and tucker>>>>

-he'd be so good with kids super creative and entertaining

-you would all have a pillow fight and Karl would be targetted

-all the kids were super sad when he had to go


-calls them gremlins like he isn't one himself

-come crying to you at one point cuz a kid mentioned his "balding hairline" 

-tells you in a whisper-shout multiple times that he hates kids and you have to shush him

-lowkey really enjoyed it by the end and is now arch nemesis with the kids (jokingly)


-he'd tell them a bunch of cool random facts about airplanes or something and they just sit there mesmerized like O_O

-he gets kinda skittish when they start getting loud or super energetic ngl

-calls them mini tommys 

-has a favorite who he talks about for a while after really wholesomely


-teaches them Spanish swear words

-likes their tiny human humor 

-makes fun of and teases you with them 

-he tries to feed them cheerios and yogurt for dinner and you have to step in


-tells them lies about you like that you only eat bugs

-tells them he's a millionaire and uses that if they misbehave 

-"if you stop yelling and eat your food I'll give you money"

-he legit pays them like five dollars each if he has it on him


-argues with them constantly

-makes them all laugh 

-doesn't expect to have fun but genuinely does

-asks you how he's doing. 

-"do you think they like me?"

till next time lovers

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