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Emily's POV
You feel a slight nudge as you slowly wake up. "Morning" Aaron says as you smile at him. He was already dressed in a polo and jeans. "How long have you been up for?" you ask as you were still very sleepy. "Not long" he says with a smile. "What time is it?" you ask as you sit up. "7" he say as you rub the sleep out of your eyes.

You get out of bed as you remember that you were still very much naked. You felt slightly embarrassed seeing as he was fully clothed. "If you want we can go to your place before going to the appointment" you nod as you put on your shirt. You quickly find the rest of your clothes which were scattered all across the room before putting them all on.

You felt a wave of nausea hit as you quickly run to the bathroom. You lunge your head into the toilet bowl as you start throwing up last nights dinner. You hear Aaron run in as he sits down next to you, holding your hair and rubbing your back. Once you finish throwing up, you flush the toilet and wash your hands. "Are you alright?" He asks concerned. "Yeah, morning sickness" you say with a shrug.

You hop into Aaron's car as you drive back to your place. You hop out and walk up to unlock your door. Once you get inside, you kick off your shoes and throw your keys on the coffee table.

You could see that Aaron was profiling your apartment. "Try not to make it so obvious" you say with a smirk as he chuckles knowing exactly what you meant. You walk to your bedroom as Aaron follows. You sit at your vanity and take off your old makeup as he just comfortably sits on your bed. You walk to your closet and pick out work pants and a red long sleeved shirt.

You then go into your bathroom and take a quick shower. You dry your hair before brushing your teeth. You brushed extra hard as you tried to get that vomit taste out of your mouth. You took a big swivel of mouthwash after which seemed to do the job well. You go back into your room and see that Aaron was gone. You got dressed and did a quick makeup look before making your way to the front door.

You see Aaron in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal for you. You smile and sit down next to him. "Thank you" you say as you place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Don't thank me, you have no food here, this was my only option" Aaron says as he stares down at his half eaten bowl of coco puffs.

"I was going to go shopping yesterday but then you know I found out I was pregnant and I guess it slipped my mind" you say back to him sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and cracks a small smile. "Just eat your cereal and we can go food shopping soon" he says as you smile.

Food shopping. Together.

You finished eating your cereal before hopping into his car. We pull up to the appointment and you pause in your seat. "You ready?" Aaron asks as you nod. He could sense that you were nervous. He hops out of the car and you follow. He takes your hand as we walk into the building hand in hand. We walk up to the receptionist.

"Prentiss at 8 for Dr. Smith" you say as the receptionist gives you forms to fill out. She points you to the waiting room area. It was small and there were a couple people there. You both sit down as you start the paperwork. It was quiet long but you did come her 15 minutes early so you ended up having more than enough time.

You return the paperwork to the receptionist once you finish. When you get back to your seat, Aaron takes your hand again. Aaron was holding your hand the whole time and it was super sweet.

"Prentiss" you hear the nurse say. "Here" you say back "follow me this way" she says as she brings you to a room at the end of the hallway. The door opens and a tall doctor with blonde hair comes in. "Hi Im Doctor Smith" Ali says as she shakes Aaron's hand. "Hi Emily" she says as she gave you a big hug. "Ali was my roommate in Yale" You tell Aaron. "How are you liking DC?" you ask her. "It's nice, still have a few boxes to unpack" she says as she laughs. "I never actually asked why you decided to move" "Well Joe got a job offer he couldn't resist so we had to move to DC" she says "plus it also seemed unfair to make you travel to New York every time you needed to see me. Which reminds me, it's been a while since you last saw me" Ali jokes.

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