Chapter 11: Don't call me Woo; I miss you too Woo

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[ Later that afternoon ]

Woo went back to San's modeling agency before going home to pick up last minute props for tomorrow's shoot. He wanted to avoid San at all costs. He wasn't ready to face him just but of course with his bad luck, they ran into each other as Woo walked out from the bathroom.

"Woo" San started

"Don't call me that. You know that I don't like to be called Woo if I'm not close with that person." Woo replied not making eye contact.

"Woo-young, just please come back home. At least for tonight then we can talk it out."

"No thanks San. I'm good. I'm staying with a friend." Woo said, then walking past San making his shoulder push against San's.

Hwa POV:

*phone rings*

Hwa: Hello?

Joong: Where you at? Did you forget we have our sleepover tonight?

Hwa paused, completely forgetting about their plan.

Hwa: I'm sorry I forgot. I have a friend in town who's visiting and I thought of having dinner with them. Maybe next time, Joong. I'm sorry.

Joong: It's fine. Have fun and don't forget to text me later.

*end of conversation*

The next morning

With the sun shining brightly through the window, Hwa tried to stretch when his hand was tugged back. He looked over and saw that Woo was still holding his hand which triggered a flashback of last night.


"I'm sorry I turned away like that. It was just such a shock seeing you after the incident and I didn't know how to react. It wasn't because I didn't forgive you, but I wasn't ready and I haven't moved on. I needed time and time to improve myself." The two had already finished dinner and went back to Hwa's small apartment where they were on the bed with Woo's head laid on Hwa's chest.

"It's ok. I understand. I should've thought about what you felt as well as giving time. I just felt the need to talk to you again and formally ask for your forgiveness." Hwa replied, brushing Woo's soft hair.

"Hwa, you know that I never really stopped thinking about you, right? I've always thought about you and how you're doing. I knew you were the kind of person to never forgive yourself and kept tutoring yourself for the same reason over and over. I wanted you to move on and I thought it would be best for us to stop seeing each other for the time being."

"I understand."

"I hope you didn't suffer as much as I feared. I wish I could've been there for you but I was scared too and I knew you were also scared. But right now, I miss you. I wish we could go back to what we were."

"I miss you too, Woo."

The last sentence impacted Hwa more than he thought it would. There was no doubt he missed Wooyoung but a strange feeling seeped through his heart. Did he miss Wooyoung like Wooyoung missed him? This wasn't his intention. All he wanted was to get him from San to have a formal apology, that's all. He had no intention to get back together but if that's what Wooyoung wanted, maybe it's ok. Mixed feelings brewed in his heart, he had no idea what to do.

"Promise me that you won't walk away from me again." Woo pleaded, bringing Hwa back to the present time.

"I- I won't. I won't walk away from you ever again. I promise." Hwa made his pinky intertwined with Woo's, touching his thumbs against Woo's.

[ End of Flashback ]

Hwa blushed, remembering last night. Managing to untangle his hands from Woo. He studied his face a tiny bit longer, admiring the gentle curvature of his jaw. "Wooyoung, Woo, it's time to wake up." Brushing back Woo's bird nest like hair away.

"Hm, what time is it?" Woo mumbled, stretching.

"It's 9:30. You need to get there around 12:00." Hwa started to get up from the bed.

"Mmm, that's still a lot of time. We can get up at 10, then I exercise while you shower, then I go take a shower while you get something to eat then we still have enough time to drive and get there. Meaning we still have 28 minutes." Woo concluded half asleep, pulling Hwa back onto bed.

After Woo took a shower, he walked out to the kitchen, seeing hwa eating some oatmeal. With a full mouth, Hwa put a spoonful of oatmeal in front of Woo to offer him some.

"No thanks. I don't want to look bloated." Woo shook his head, denying the oats but Hwa shoved the spoon in his mouth anyway while Woo was talking.

"I wasn't asking. You are not going to look bloated with one bite of oatmeal. I don't want you to become hungry during the shoot." Hwa waved the spoon in front of Woo like he was telling a child off after they did something wrong. "I don't want you to go on an empty's not good for you.

"Well...if you're going to feed me, then AHH" Woo opened his mouth waiting for Hwa to feed him again which he did.

"Taste good?"

"Mmm, yes. Everything you make tastes good." Woo smiled in the middle of chewing.

Hwa snickered at Woo's compliment. "I didn't make that one. I warmed it up from a pre-package. Feeding you was not calculated in my time when we were cuddling. With that, they went on their merry way.

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