▪️Chapter 10▫️

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You opened the front door with a small sad smile in your face. You slowly close it behind you as you look around the dark, empty mansion. Oh yeah, that's right.

Kenneth, your father, was out doing business shit, whatever it may be. That's the thing with your family, the Lovegrove family is famous for hunting hybrids. Yeah, exactly what Dream was. That's why you didn't rat him out.

You had always hated it when your father would talk about it. Or your mother. It had always broke your heart every time another hybrid got hunted out, either to be a slave or to be food. That's the other fucked up thing, hybrid meat tends to be a nobles food. Practically cannibalism.

You quickly run up to your room to take a shower and to dress more casually before running back downstairs. You decided to wear a white tank top, black baggy pants, and basic sneakers with a jacket. You were going out, hopefully to find something cool.

[You don't have to wear what I recommended lol]

It was getting even darker out, but the warm street lights illuminated your path just fine. As you walked down the stone streets, a shop caught your eye.

It was a temporarily rented out shop, it was only going to be here for about a year or two. Temporary shops are common at S.B.I., And they're always cool to visit.

You enter the shop, and the first thing you noticed was the horrible vibes. Almost like everything was cursed. It was all golden or silver jewelry, primarily necklaces and rings.

"Well hello there, doll~" You turn to see a male standing there. He wore a dark blue beanie, had a black mullet-like hairstyle, and a long scar going from his eyebrow to his top lip. The scarred eye was replaced with an 8-ball. He looked interesting, to say the least. Untrustworthy, too.

You give a small smile, "Hello," You were going to look around but he kept talking.

"Say, you're kinda familiar... Aren't you that big shots kid? Ken, or something. No?"

"He's my dad.. Yeah.." You not so enthusiasticly admit.

"You'd cost a lot a cash down below, ya know..." He gave you a dirty grin.

All you gave back was a darkened glare, not willing to deal with anyones bullshit today.

"Woah woah, I'm just kidding! Don't get yer panties in a twist!" He cackled, and you aimed for the exit.

"Wait wait wait! You didn't get anything!" He stopped you crawling over the counter before falling on his face. You refrained from laughing.

"M-maybe you can get a beautiful necklace!" He shows you a gold chained necklace with rubies and sapphires as charms. "Or an elegant ring!" He he pinches a silver ring inebtween his two fingers. It had a large emerald gem.

"C'mon! I'm in some serious debt here, I really need the money!" He begged.

"Listen dude, I would've bought something if you didn't say anything as stupid as that. You got yourself into this mess, I ain't gettin' roped into it." You sneered, shoving a finger to his chest. A bead of sweat drips down his cheek.

"C'mon compadre, I honestly didn't mean it!"

You roll your eyes before exiting the shop. As you walk down the street, it seems as if he didn't follow. Thank stars. You practically stopped down the sidewalk, aiming to go home.

Well, it was all until a strange goopy sound caught your attention. You look down an alleyway, and a slimy green thing caught your attention. The slime writhed around ever so slightly and occasionally made a bubbling sound.

Curiosity killed the cat when you decided to investigate. You're careful to dodge the trash and see a blob of green with... Human?.. Bones... Inside of the slime...

You stared a bit too long when the slime started to build. The bones sludged moved to a different spot. It was staring to take a strangely humanoid shape. It all ended at it's 'face'.

The two of you stared at each other before it pipes up.

"HELLO Y/N FROM THE MANSION!" It exclaimed, sticking its hand out. "DAP ME UP!"

Hesitantly, you dap him up. You irked at the slime on your hand, waving it as bits of slime fly off. The slime pays no attention to your action.

"UH OH, I HAVE TO GO. SEE YOU FELLOW HUMAN!" The slime flops away, heading towards the shop you just left from.

What the fuck was that?


Yoooo another chapter!

QUACKITY: 💔 - He hates how you didn't buy a thing. After all, the debt he's in inst really money related...

SLIME? : 💛 - Its been watching you for awhile. How else would it know your name?

DATE PUBLISHED: September 28th, 2022

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