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AUTHOR:Welcome one and all to the official QnA! I'm the author, otherwise known as Vix, and I'll be the host! Duh, like, who else would- nevermind...

AUTHOR:Anywho, our first question is from; Imaginary_Spencer!

Dream:Well, I'm not all to sure myself...

(DREAM playfully scoffs)

DREAM:Maybe it's because I've been stalking them for about, what, two years now? Continuously watching someone does things to you. And I wouldn't say I fell for them in a short amount of time.

AUTHOR:And thank you for the compliment! I honestly really appreciate it :D


(WILBUR pauses, thinking over his choices before smirking)

WILBUR: Now that you mention it, I could start hurting others... But, ah, I can't do it myself. I would need a little 'helper' to do it for me. Getting blood on my hands is not something I would like.


And that's it. Literally. There might be a part 2, but I want to get out a few more chapters before I do yet another QnA.



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