▪ Chapter 13 ▫

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After the inevitably awkward date with Eret, you stayed inside for a while. You didn't feel like interacting with anyone else. You got undressed, changed into something comfier than you wore before, and decided to nap. After a few hours, rapid knocking on the front door somehow woke you up.

Groggily, you found yourself walking down the stairs with half of your mindset. You rub your tired eyes and quickly stretch before opening the door; your semi-blurry vision takes you a second before realizing who's there. You widened your eyes in shock before grinning and feeling your cheeks heat up.

There, standing before you wearing a simple sweater uniform, soft pink dyed hair, and a wide love-filled gaze was Niki, otherwise known as your high school sweetheart. You and Niki had gone to the same high school, and even ended up secretly dating for the rest of the years. You and Niki had separated because Niki had wanted to go to college, and you wanted to stay home. Throughout the next while, you and Niki had face timed each other every night and even slept on call with each other, all until you threw your phone into a river out of rage. Ever since then, you haven't heard Niki's voice, not once.

You and Niki stood there, surprised and happy, practically jumping into each other's arms. You felt tears welling in your eyes as you dig your face into the crook of her neck. You can vaguely smell Niki's shampoo. It smells nice, like vanilla. Niki's warm embrace felt so nostalgic to you. 

After a few seconds of holding each other, the two of you let go, staring into each other's eyes. It was the perfect moment for a quick kiss! Or, hell, maybe even a passionate make out session? Niki's stomach knotted at the thought of kissing you again, holding you in her arms and keeping you close.

Niki slowly leaned in, but it was too late. You backed away and held Niki's soft hand. With a small, slightly embarrassed smile, you led Niki inside, asking her about her time at college.

Niki gladly answers your questions, but deep down she knows shes annoyed; but she knows she can't be mad at you. Maybe later she'll get the kiss she has been dying for...

The two of you sit at the kitchen counter island, both with mugs of F/D. Niki talks about the amount of fun she had a college, but makes occasional comments about being homesick and missing you.

Then, Niki finally asked, "Now that I think about it, why haven't you been answering my calls?" The knot in Niki's chest grew, a saddening thought of maybe you didn't want to talk to her. Was it something she said?

"Oh, shit, yeah sorry about that. I had another... Argument... With, um... Kenneth, a while back and ended up smashing my phone. I never really had the thought of getting a new one..." You explained, hesitating on calling Kenneth your 'father'.

Niki knows about the shitty relationship between you and Kenneth. She had to comfort you many times in the past when something bad would happen. Niki gently nibbles on her bottom lip, unsure on her next words.

"...Have either of you argued anytime recently..?" Niki was unsure wether or not to ask.

"Not really, I just ignore him now. I've actually been working towards getting a new apartment!" You take a sip of your drink before continuing. "You'd think being a maid for the royal family would pay enough..."

"When did you start working for them?" Niki asks, a bit surprised.

"I'd say a few months after you left. I guess I forgot to tell you, heh..." You nervously laugh.

Niki felt that uncomfortable knot in her chest again. Do you not trust her enough? With anything anymore?

No... Niki knows damn well you still love her. Niki knows that you just forgot! Simple!

"A-ah, okay... Well, has anything new happened here, leibeling?" Niki slips in a quick pet name.

"Well, nothing much..." You blush, knowing some German and the translation. "Same-old same-old." You knew damn well that you were lying, but you really didn't want Niki to worry about you.

"Hm... Any new shops, at least?" Niki questions, softly gazing at you with half-lidded eyes.

Grumbling before speaking, "I never really had time to do anything, but there was this one shop. The owner turned out to be a real shitty guy..." You sigh.

"Really? Why?"

"I don't really remember specifically, but he did say I'm 'worth a lot of money down below' or whatever the fuck that means." You practically sneer, despising the idea in meeting that fucker ever again.

Niki seems to tense at your response, her soft gaze suddenly both hardening and darkening. You could barely see one of her eyebrows twitching.

"Do you remember where the store is..?" Niki practically mumbled, gripping the table with her knuckles turning white.

"Niki, sweetheart, you don't have to find this guy. Besides, I bet he's given up on me awhile ago..." You tried to ease Niki's thoughts. Hint word, tried.

"Y/N, please. The guy literally said you'd cost a lot of money in the underworld. Actually, did he mention anything about debt or something? What was he selling? What was the vibe of that place?" Niki bombarded you with questions.

"Uh, yeah, he did say he was in debt, not to mention that he was trying to sell... Jewelry? Felt as if it was cursed, to be honest... Real bad vibes..." You nervously chuckle afterward.

"Yeah, that guy definitely got into a deal with a... Demon, per say. I would know, I've got connections with people who have gotten into those situations. Basically, he's saying that because of your high status, you would be more of value to demons and whatnot." Niki explains, with a tone that screams that she's been through this before.

"...A demon..." You mutter, the thought lingering in your mind before dissipating as Niki puts an empty mug into the sink, the clink of porcelain and metal flinging you out of your thoughts.

"Well, since you didn't buy anything from the guy, I'd say your good. Otherwise, I'd say to keep an eye out, people tend to go a bit mad when their debts go unpaid." Niki leaves the kitchen without another word, leaving you unsure on your next moves.


Well, turns out you have a highschool sweetheart! Now, I'll be honest, I'm unsure wether or not to have Niki be a soft yandere, or go all out for you. Otherwise, you get some quick Quackity lore and a possible peek into the future.

In other words, we've reached over 2k reads! I don't think I've ever been more happy about a fanfiction of all things!

And once more, please ask some questions for the Yandere love interests for the QnA that I have going. So far, only two people have asked as of writing this. Remember, you can ask any of the characters that have shown up so far (even Charlie/Slime)

And, I hate to keep you here longer, but my birthday is literally in three days 😳


Word count: 1215
Date published: November 9th, 2022

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