▫️Chapter 16▪️

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(CW: Alcohol mentions, mentions of teenage pregnancy, major age gap, pretty fucking concerning relationship)

Tapping, constant, uninterrupted tapping. Two dark eyes with hardened gazes stay locked on the documents on the table. Words are written in a non-solid font and typed out with a typewriter. The eyes then slowly shift to the glass on a wood coaster. It was alcohol, tequila to be specific. Very little of the drink had been drunk, after all, he had been trying to stray away from the beverage as a whole. He has a son, for god's sake! Not to mention he was next in line for the crown.

Wilbur, the middle child, had been informed that he was soon to be next; Techno had refused the role and desired to move elsewhere. Where specifically was unknown to Wilbur, and Tommy, but not their father. Phil had always had some sort of a special connection to Techno, especially because Techno had always gotten away with everything. 

Tommy also got the favourite child treatment with their mother, Tristen. The queen tried to deny the obvious favouritism, but it would always be apparent. Pun not intended. 

As a result, Wilbur had always felt left out. He spent most of his time in his room or study, never finding leaving either of the rooms a good choice. Those few times he had rarely left was when he met an adventurous woman with salmon-coloured hair. It felt nice talking to her, listening to her slight Scottish accent play with her words, and being able to touch her calloused hands. She was much stronger than Wilbur, and maybe, just maybe, that's what he liked. 


That's how she introduced herself. An outstretched hand waiting for the brunet to respond. 

Their relationship had grown quickly, the two had only known each other for only two whole months when they started dating in secret. Every night the two would meet, near a crystal clear pond with little fishes swimming around. And their quickly growing love evolved to lust, and they found themselves exploring each other's bodies underneath the moonlight. 

From then onwards, Wilbur never saw Sally again. 

Well, the only sort of contact the two had was when he decided to visit the pond one last time, ten months later. There, laying on the boulder he typically sat on was something bundled in worn rags. Peering closer, it was a small child with orange hair and slight streaks of white- or blonde, Wilbur couldn't really tell in the light- streaks in the soft orange curls on the infant. Then, the messily folded paper next to it. 

Wilbur took the paper and began to read. The sloppily written excuse that Sally had to leave the child, whom she had named Fiona, in Wilbur's care primarily because her life was dedicated to the sea. It also described that Sally was too young to take care of a child, she was only sixteen.


Wilbur felt empty yet so shocked that Sally was only sixteen. He could've sworn she told him that she was twenty, living the life with an infamous pirate. Her dream life was exploring the world.

It really fucked Wilbur up, but that was one problem. The other problem was that he now had a daughter, Fiona.

Lifting his daughter, he stayed completely silent. His dark, widened eyes stare at the infant. Slowly but surely, Fiona had opened her eyes, and the same dark pupils that Wilbur had stared right back. She smiled, made short garbling sounds, and tried to grab at Wilbur. Wilbur's eyes softened, and he soon smiled too. 

Wilbur looked to the side, resisting the urge to chug the entire glass. Thinking about the whole problem with Sally filled his gut with knots. He groaned, shoving his hand in his hair while staring silently at the papers. He felt his face throbbing from when you headbutted him like a goat, leaving him with a nasty nosebleed. It was a pain in the ass trying to explain to one of the many forgettable maids what had happened. 

He couldn't really lie, though, he did kind of like it. You really reminded him of Sally. You were strong too, not to mention that you really weren't afraid to do much, like act so informal around him and his family. It was almost like you are some kind of clone, but no, other people like Sally exist, you exist, and many others do too. He touched his face, returning his train of thought to the documents before actually reading them.


..What..? A... War..?


I wasn't joking when I said that the next few chapters were going to be posted over Christmas break haha

Word Count: 793

Date Published: December 23rd, 2022

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