Just doing my thing

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A deviants head fell off as I despawned my swords.

I watched as it turned to dust, I then sighed as I then checked my stats.

(Y/N) (L/N)

LV: ?

HP: 100/??

That's surprising I killed plenty of deviants and Ernesh.

I look at the sky. The moon is pretty tonight.

I sigh.

It's been two weeks. Two weeks after my mom passed, my only family gone...

I then saw a deviant as it ran towards me with a lot of speed.

(Y/N): He is fast...

I dodge an incoming swing with a smirk.

(Y/N): I'm faster.

I then went for a punch in the stomach which the deviant barely blocked. I then went for another punch but added fire to my fist. He didn't block it this time as my fist landed on his stomach. It spat blood out.

(Y/N): Hell's inferno.

I then grabbed its face as I shot fire out of it incinerating the deviants face. I then dropped the deviant.

I then stroked my hair back in thought.

(Y/N): Where do these fuckers come from.

I heard rustling behind me as I turned to the bushes.

I watch the bushes as I watch something come out. It was a cat. It looked to be bleeding. I calmly walked towards it as I then turned to the ground. I felt that it was scared.

I slowly picked it up as I saw it wince it pain. I then teleported to my house. It's emptier then it used to be since my mom's...

I then started using bits of healing magic on it. I didn't want to use to much in case there was anything inside the kitten in which would just cause more pain to the kitten.

The bruises started to heal up and disappear. The cuts started healing as well and I couldn't feel anything in the cats body.

(Y/N): I wonder what hurt you.

The cat meowed quietly and in light pain.

Some time passed as I laid on my couch watching a video.

(Y/N): Fuck Peter. Stewie, Brian, Quagmire, are w characters.

The cat was asleep on a makeshift bed I made for it. I smiled at the sight.

I then heard my door knock.

I reluctantly got up and went to the door and opened it to be surprised by Frisk.

Frisk: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Frisk? Didn't you have a ambassador meeting to get to?

Frisk: Finished early and I'm exhausted.

(Y/N): That's nice then.

Frisk: Can I come in?

(Y/N): Sure.

I moved to the side allowing Frisk to enter as she came in and got close to me and kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled as I closed the door.

Frisk then put herself on the couch.

(Y/N): Getting comfy already?

Frisk: I'd be more comfy if I was laying on you.

I then went over to Frisk sat next to her.

Frisk: Better.

Frisk then laid down on my shoulder.

I began to relax but my body then tensed as I saw a portal beginning to open.

(Y/N): Oh for fucks sake can I not catch a break?!

Out of the portal walked three deviants.

Frisk: Are these guys not gonna stop bothering you?

(Y/N): Nop.

I spawned my swords and got in a stance. I took a deep breath as Frisk summons her magic sword and shield.

The deviants then rushed at us as one tried to swing its sword at me which I dodged and kicked it toward the portal.

Frisk was fast as she immediately went for a swing as the deviant moves to the side as she managed to cut its cheek.

The other deviant tried to stab me from behind as I made its body blue and flung them to the side. The battle continued to be one sided with me and frisk winning but I then felt something grab my leg. My eyes widened as the source came from the portal.

I was then pulled harshly to the portal making Frisk's eyes widen as she reached out for me.

Frisk: (Y/N)!

I entered the portal as it closed behind me.

I looked at the rope in anger as I chopped off the rope holding me.

Stage 1 Velocity

I then appeared in front of the deviant with anger in my eyes.

Chef's kiss! One thousand slices!

I was then behind the deviant as I despawned my swords. The deviant's body fell apart peice by piece as it turned to dust.

I took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Now where the fuck am I?

I looked around and saw a city that was a bit familiar but not at the same time.

I heard police sirens and gunshots

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I heard police sirens and gunshots. So Detroit, Chicago, or Ohio.

(Y/N): For fucks sake...

Author: Chapter done!

(Y/N): Author where the fuck am I?

Author: A city.

Danganronpa (Y/N): So who's next?

Author: Don't know we'll see.

Fnaf (Y/N): RWBY has a lot of chapters.

Author: Cause it has a transcript. Though I have new story ideas for RWBY one not that original the other I think it's original.

Demon slayer (Y/N): So when am I getting updated?

Author: When you fix this damn door!

Author points to a broken door.

Kid Powerpuff girls (Y/N): Hey readers I'm gonna go hang out with the Powerpuff girls.

Author: Stay away from Logan (Y/N) room.

We see Logan (Y/N)'s room door as you all can hear moans and loud thumps and slaps.

Author: Anyway bye everyone!

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