hope-less part 2

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Magnus arm was sliced and his magic atack missed his target

(Darkness)-"its not going to work, Magnus"

Magnus fall to the ground

(Magnus)-"ouch..." *Magnus was breathing heavily*

(Darkness)-"now you two, come out come out~" *two stalagmites made out of pure dark metal emerged from the ground besides then both* "i will give you two, one second"

They both looked at each other


Both Gayoul and Jhon yelled one instant before rolling out of their hiding spot

(Jhon)-"Gayoul! Go help Magnus" *rushes into battle*

(Gayoul)-"Magnus! Here, let me help you" *he grabs Magnus and tries getting him out of the way*

Jhon uses is hand and touches the ground made of stone, he changes his elemental control to earth

(Jhon)-"you will pay for Navi's death!" *he says while using one of his daggers to try cutting him*

(Darkness)-"youre not strong enough to talk with me like that" *he transforms his right arm into a blade made of pure solid darkness* "lets cut this battle short" *he slashes in Jhon direction but Jhon dodges and falls back*

Darkness noticed that Jhons speed changed when dodging that atack

Jhon was using his elemental control to make himself slide above the floor and move at much higher speed when dodging his atacks

(Darkness)-"smart..." *he atacks aiming for his head but Jhon dodges ducking*
"But thats not enough!" *he does a sweap kick making Jhon lose is balance and stay in the air for just a second*

(Jhon)-*falls on his back* "oh go-" *he uses his elemental control to slip away before darkness arm blade could reach his head*

(Darkness)-"enough running around" *his arm change back to normal* "die" *he start atacking then with small shards of solid darkness without stop*

Jhon creates a small stone wall to hold the attacks off for a while, he protects both Magnus and Gayoul as well

(Magnus)-"Gayoul, please fetch my arm and give it to me" *Magnus points in is arm direction*

(Gayoul)-"what?!? No! Jhon fetch it for Magnus!"

(Jhon)-*makes a gesture as if he was gathering air in one point* "as you can see i am quite ocupied" *he changes his elemental control to air* "just pick that arm and throw to him"

Jhon starts attacking with small air shots while under the cover of his small stone wall

(Gayoul)-"..." *he grabs the arm by one of its fingers and throws it*

(Magnus)-"thanks!" *Magnus says with a anoyed voice tone* "now... lets just put this together first-" *Magnus put his arm back on and start using his magic with a yellow glow* "done, i think this is enough" *Magnus start moving his fingers again*

(Gayoul)-"no way..."

(Magnus)-"Jhon, distract him with your attacks"

(Jhon)-"already doing that"

Magnus start creating a small and compact fire ball on his hand and then opens a magic portal right besides Darkness face

(Magnus)-"got you!" *he hits straight on Darkness face*

Gayoul sees that moment as chance to try doing something

(Gayoul)-*he rush's with his old sword to try stabbing Darkness* "ahhh-" *Darkness slashes with his arm blade cutting Gayouls sword blade* "oh-"

Darkness punches Gayoul right in the stomach and then kicks him behind Jhon small stone wall

(Magnus)-"Gayoul, i need you to run"

(Gayoul)-"huh?!?!?" *He was still kinda disoriented by Darkness attacks and dint understand*

(Magnus)-"I told you to run! Go and find help" *he says it while pulling from his pocket a small but thick stick*

(Gayoul)-"but i-" *he see's Magnus making a single moviment with that stick and then suddenly it grows longer, Magnus spins it making a blade appear*

Gayoul then stops and reflects for one moment about this situation
He runs outside shortly after and goes after help

Now its only Magnus and Jhon aggainst Darkness

-The End-

Name:Vera LeiaAge:17

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Name:Vera Leia

She was raised by her grandma after her father and mother where killed in the war.
Learned to be a witch with her grandma, and started learning how to be a mage with Navi and Magnus.
Has much greater magic latent powers than Magnus but lacks control and magic storage.
[Vera is not unbeatable]

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