scribble part 3

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Along with Vera all of then arrived in the entrance searching for Magnus

(Jhon)-"Hey Vera, seens like you finished yours and came here to rub it aggainst Magnus face to"
(Vera)-"So you finished writting yours, let me take a look" *lifts hand in grabbing motion*
(Jhon)-"Only if you let me see yours first"
(Vera)-"Sure sure, i am more than proud of my work haha"

Vera hands Jhon her paper, it was very stylized with the resistance crest and separated in perfect paragraphs
Jhon glanced and was bought to shame

(Vera)-"Read and cry, behold my talents"

(Vera)-"Read and cry, behold my talents"

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(Vera)-"Soooo~ what do you think?"
(Jhon)-"...Its... nice, i guess-"
(Vera)-"Nice you guess huh, let me see yours then" *tries swiping the paper from his hands*

(Jhon)-"Whoa, wait a bit Vera i think mine needs some more work-"
(Vera)-"Uhum- sure" *try grabbing* "let me see it then so i can give you some critique"

Jhon keeps dodging Vera quick swipes
Max only watched it unfold


Vera gets frustrated and finally uses her magic, a sudden pink aura inveloped the paper and by the moment Jhon noticed
The paper was snatched from his hands

(Vera)-"HA" *creates pinkish barrier around herself* "Now, lets take a look at your-"

She glanced at it for only 3 seconds and then bursted out laughing

(Vera)-"The heck is this??" *rubbing her eyes* "are you guys serious?"

(Vera)-"I just cant with you guys-" (Jhon)-SHUT UP VERA, I- i runned out of  space to write and couldn't rewrite it-"(Vera)-"Why did you not use the back then"(Jhon)-"

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(Vera)-"I just cant with you guys-"
(Jhon)-SHUT UP VERA, I- i runned out of space to write and couldn't rewrite it-"
(Vera)-"Why did you not use the back then"
(Jhon)-"..." *points at Max* "its all his fault, now give me that"

Vera kept laughing while lifting her barrier, the commotion came to a end when Oreo appeared

(Oreo)-"I think i shouldn't need to ask you guys to stop this fuzz" *sees the papers* "what is the matter here"
(Vera)-"Look at what Magnus asked us for"

Oreo took a look and noded while reading the paper with Vera writting

(Oreo)-"Hmmm, you sure are well educated Vera, atleast more than i took you for-" *spins in place while looking at the paper* "need some things here and there, but its pretty good otherwise"
(Vera)-"Well thank you Ore-" *pause* "wait, did you call me dumber than i look?"
(Oreo)-"Thats not what i said" *looks at Jhon* "let me see yours then"

(Jhon)-"I dont think its needed Oreo, ill just give it right away to Magnus and-"
(Vera)-"Ah, he just dont want you seeing it cause its horrible"
(Max)-"Yeah, its not bad at all, its like- a abomination"
(Jhon)-*looks slowly at Max* "much help who dont get in the way"
(Max)-"What the matter with abominations??? They are cool, our paper is cool tho"

For five minutes they stayed in this back and forth, until Magnus appeared

(Magnus)-"What is the issue here, heard you guys from the other side of the base"
(Vera)-"Oh Magnus, youre here finally" *walks over Jhon stepping in his feet* "now i can show you how great i am at any job i am asked to do"
(Jhon)-*whimpers in pain*
(Magnus)-"Ok" *lifts hand* "show me"

Vera with the biggest smile ever hands her paper in Magnus hand, he slowly start to read it

(Vera)-"HA in your face Jhon- i mean- thank you Magnus"
(Magnus)-"Yeah yeah, its pretty good, very well done but-"

Vera huge smile fades away slowly

(Magnus)-"But what are you talking about in this flyer?"
(Vera)-"Huh???? Talking about us of course, the base??"
(Magnus)-"Hmmm good, then why i dont see it anywhere"
(Vera)-"Ah, you mean why i dint mention us, i just thought it was not needed cause we already know what it is about"

(Vera)-"What?" *looks around*
(Magnus)-"Vera... this is supossed to be a flyer, you cant just do a flyer without adressing the place where it is from"
(Jhon)-"No way, cant belive i dint see that huge error of yours when reading it"
(Vera)-"NO wait wait i can change it then, ill just add it here and-"
(Magnus)-"I dont think there is any space for it in the middle of your text, but it dont matter, no need fixing"

Vera was all red, trying to hide her face she grabbed the paper from Magnus hand and ran away

(Jhon)-"haha, Thats what she gets for making fun of mine" *has the paper snatched*
(Magnus)-"Lets see yours then"
(Jhon)-"Wait wait wait wait, errrrr huh... what is that overthere!"

Magnus dint flinch nor look surprized or interested in what it could be, but he looked at the direction Jhon pointed anyways
With a quick motion aided by his air elemental control he snatched the paper and shoved it down Max throat

(Jhon)-"Oh no, it seens Max ate our work"
(Magnus)-"Well then, guess it means you will not be rubbing anything aggainst my face"
(Oreo)-"...that sounded very suspicious Magnus, you should try phrasing things better"
(Max)-*choking and coughing nonstop*
(Jhon)-"hehe, come Max ill pick some water for you" *push Max with him*

Magnus was left behind with Oreo

(Oreo)-"So... youre making flyers?"
(Magnus)-"Yes Oreo"
(Oreo)-"Why did you not call me i am the best at writting, i would make it in no time and it would be super fun for me, you know i have been very out of things to do and its been very boring, just lately now that Marco appeared i could actually do something fun and-"
(Magnus)-"Oreo please, shhh" *silencing his rant*
(Oreo)-"Sorry, i just wanted to be usefull... lately i- haven't felt like it..."
(Magnus)-"If you want to do one then go for it, just show me before the end of this day"
(Oreo)-"As you command" *Oreo walks away with quick and large steps filled with some sort of joy*


A figure concealed in the corner of the room walked in Magnus direction
It was Bill

(Magnus)-"Did you do it?"
(Magnus)-"Then? Anything?"
(Bill)-"Nothing unusual with him, althought i felt somewhat uneasy while inside..."
(Magnus)-"Hmmm... i apreciate your input"
(Bill)-"..." *walks away slowly dispersing his presence*
(Magnus)-*sigh* "What is the matter with him"

-The End-

Name:????Tittle:Air Elemental Guardian Age:unknown

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Tittle:Air Elemental Guardian

One of the seven Elemental guardians
Powered by the true rune of air, capable of manipulating and generating air
Most capable flying creature in the planet
Friendly naturally
Not as powerfull as the others Elemental Guardians

[One bird two stones]

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