Run&away part 4

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(Maria)-"Marias parents only started to teach me recently" *nudges while crossing arms* "but dont go thinking Maria isnt smart, i very smart"
(Oreo)-"Uhum sure, just hearing the way you speak gives me severe aneurysms-"
(Maria)-"Thats good to hear-" *looks around and whispers to Lurio* "-is that good thing?"

(Magnus)-"OKAY, everyone sit down" *picks Maria up by the head* "everyone but you"
(Maria)-"Why Maria, Maria did not do any harm-"
(Magnus)-"You heard everything we talked here dint you?"
(Maria)-"Yes sir"
(Magnus)-"Then you know its serious stuff and not an actual school where you only learn new things"
(Maria)-"Yeah yeah, Maria not dumb, know this isnt normal learning"

Magnus dropped Maria and sighed
Everyone there was sure Maria wouldnt be allowed to be part of their group
But aggainst everyones expectations Magnus finally spoke

(Magnus)-"Kay then, youre in"
(Oreo)-"Are you MAD??? Look at her she is totally unprepared"
(Magnus)-"Then we give her some training, like everyone else-"
(Gayoul)-"I dont think its a good idea to have someone that young-"
(Magnus)-"Gayoul youre one of the youngest here, the fuck you saying"
(Alan)-"Wait... how old is she again?"

Everyone looked at Maria smilling while in the corner listening with attention

(Maria)-"Parents say Maria is their little joyfull goblin, but Maria is not goblin nor little"
(Max)-"Are you sure about?"
(Maria)-"Errrr, Maria can become goblin if needed but that doesnt mean anything-"
(Magnus)-"Uhum sure, but how old are you?"

Maria scratched her head and thought deeply

(Maria)-"Hmmm... fourteen" *counts on fingers* "Yeah, Thats how much parents also say i am"
(Oreo)-"There, she is too young- we cant just accept her like its no big deal"
(Magnus)-"Hmm... are you sure youre that age?"
(Maria)-"Yes sir, Maria is fourteen right now" *thumbs up* "but if thats a problem for the mirror eyes old man i can be older"
(Oreo)-"Huh, 'mirror eyes old man' is she talking about me-" *looks around* "what is that even supossed to mean??"

Everyone start arguing over Maria age and her understanding
Oreo continued questioning why he was called a 'mirror eyes old man' until Maria pointed at his glasses
Oreo then proceeded to explain what glasses are and how he is not a old man

(Maria)-"Oooh Maria gets it now, parents told me what glass is althought i never seen one-" *notices Oreos rising eyebrow* "...and sorry for being rude calling you old man-"
(Oreo)-"As long as youre sorry its fine"
(Maria)-"Yeah, and i am very sorry for misgendering you"
(Maria)-"I should have noticed youre a glassed eye young woman"

Oreos eyes started twitching, and he opened is mouth to say the many things that came to his head in that moment, but luckly silenced him and everyone else

(Magnus)-"Everyone calm down and listen, as it seens we are in a impasse so i decided we shall give her a test"
(Magnus)-"Thats right, Maria will go along some menbers in a test mission where the safety levels are high enough to not be dangerous, and before anyone ask, Lurio wont go in that test mission as he already showed enough to be decided"
(Oreo)-"...Thats...a very good idea, althought almost impossible" *coughs* "How and where would we find a mission like that?? And if it somehow happened how we would test Maria with it?"
(Magnus)-"Thats what you will be thinking from now on Oreo, i will search for anything that could be a good test while you decide how the test shall work"
(Oreo)-"I wont complain, this is a real fun thing for me to do"
(Magnus)-"So anyone have anything else to say" *looks at Max and Maria rising hands* "anything smart that is" *Marias arm went down* "Hmm okay then its decided, and now ill finish off with the end of my past story"

Everyone sat around Magnus, including the new members
Magnus poundered where he stopped for a moment


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